🥀4th death🥀

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                      Shuichi's POV

I kissed Kokichi, she was shocked but she kissed back, after a minute or two we stopped with a string of salvia, I was trying to catch my breath and I saw Kokichi with a huge bright red blush on her face, when I was about to say something I heard the door open I quickly let go of Kokichi making her stumble and fall on top of me we looked at the door and it was Maki "What the hell is going on here?" "M-maki~san h-how a-are you?" She said with a awkward smile while blushing "Shuichi Saihara what are you doing to Kokichi?" "N-nothing" "Do you want to die!?" "Hey darling wh-" darling? "I-i said don't call me that when we're around others" She says with a blush "Oh sorry Maki~roll" They were arguing and Kokichi was laughing, we all looked at her "What's so funny?" "It's nothing Maki~san" "Talk" "It's just that you said that you and Kaidiot aren't dating but now look at you guys calling each other darling" "You shouldn't be laughing right now because look at what position you are in right now" Kokichi looked at me and blushed "Oh yeah" "Exactly" Maki said with a very small smile, Kokichi got up and held out a hand out for me, I held her and got up, "There now can you explain why Kokichi was on top of you" "Oh u-" "Oh he tried to kiss me" Kokichi said with a smirk, Maki looked infuriated "Shuichi" I looked at Maki who was holding a knife "Y-y-yes Maki?" I was for scared my life and Kaito was scared "I'll give you a 10 second head start" Holy shit, I sprinted at full speed while Maki was counting.

                     Kokichi's POV

Shuichi sprinted at full speed out the kitchen while Maki was counting "Maki please don't do this" she countied counting and when she was done I needed to stop her from killing Shumai and getting herself executed, I quickly ran to them and saw Maki cornering Shuichi "Do you want to die!?" "N-no!" "Maki~san!" She immediately looked at me "Oh sorry Kokichi I was insulting him" Oh phew almost thought I was gonna get my future lover and best friend killed "Okay let's go and talk this over with some panta lollipops, shall we?" "Okay" "Guys what happened!?" Kaito was running towards us "Oh you missed it all" "Oh well that doesn't matter because no one got killed or harmed" "Yep we were going to make panta lollipops" "Let's go make the sweets!" "Oh no don't worry your not going to help us because last time the kitchen almost got into flames" I said with a smile "Yeah that too" he said nervously with his hand behind his back "Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Maki giggled at the childish Kaito we went to the kitchen and we made the lollipops and ate them we and talking while Kaito was watching us once we were done we all ate some and Himiko and Tenko came along but luckily we made some more and we are them and chatting until I had to go to the bathroom "I gotta go to the bathroom I'll be back" "Okay" I got out the cafeteria and went to the toilet after I got out I felt like going to Miu's lab so I went there and I saw her body "AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!" I let out a blood curdling scream then I fainted due to the bloody scene, she was hanged her head was bashed like a blunt object and her brains were showing while she had scratch marks on her and her leg was cut off, there was blood everywhere, everything was black my body hit the cold bloody floor

                       Shuichi's POV

We were all in the kitchen and Kokichi had to go to the bathroom, I wanted to go with her {Not in a creepy way} and make sure she was okay it was until we heard a blood curdling scream "What the hell?" We all got up and went to investigate where the screaming was and I went to check in Miu's lab and I saw a gruesome scene M-miu she was hanging on the ceiling while a noose was hanging around her neck, her leg was cut off, had cuts and scratches on her and her h-head I looked at the bloody scene and I averted my eyes to the unconscious Kokichi on the floor with blood staining her clothes I quickly went to her and checking her pulse while everyone came in rushing looking at the bloody scene playing before their eyes "Miu!" Everyone looked at Kokichi "I-is she still alive?" Maki said with a slight hint of worrieness in her voice "Y-yes she's still okay" I Maki picked her up and Monokuma body announcement played and Monokuma gave me the Monokuma file "You know Kokichi is kinda violating the rule" Tsumagi said calmly "Who the hell cares about that right now!?" I shouted, I was surprised that Tenko didn't yell at me she agreed with me which is quite abnormal "Yeah that's not important right now" "O-oh sorry" "That doesn't matter now what we need to do is to investigate" "Right" I glanced over st Kokichi who we still unconscious, I was getting worried "Do you want to hold her? She's not that heavy" "O-oh u-um o-okay" Maki put Kokichi onto my arms and I carried her bridal style, then the devil came out "That's a clear violation of school rules and Kokichi will be punished" Monokuma said "That doesn't matter now that I'm awake and fresh!" Kokichi jumped out of my arms, she pulled out her kunais "Now that I'm awake can someone tell me what's going on" she looked up and saw Miu hanging on the ceiling "Ooo~ so kinky slut here got slaughtered in a gruesome way I wouldn't Imagine being killed like a bitch" she said with frown while her tounge was sticking out "To bad so sad ratio you can't punish me so get your Yin-Yang ass outa here!"

We were all in the kitchen and Kokichi had to go to the bathroom, I wanted to go with her {Not in a creepy way} and make sure she was okay it was until we heard a blood curdling scream "What the hell?" We all got up and went to investigate where t...

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"Hmn your acting like your the headmaster of this school which your not" "That doesn't matter the only reason we can't hurt ya is because if we do, we get our shit clapped and that's why ya ass needs those mother-less nine year old depressed cubz!" "Don't call my cubs depressed! They are a lot more useful than just bodyguards" "Yeah like what?" "Um, fine you win and get on with your investigation" "Alright ratio!" "Stop calling me that" "Okie ratio" Monokuma mumbles to himself while disappearing "Alright let's investigate Ms. Kinky shits death!" We got to investigating........



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