3rd death

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Shuichi's POV: Me and and Kokichi were reading a book until I felt something on my shoulder, I looked at my shoulder and saw Kokichi sleeping peacefully, she was very cute, closed the book and put it on top of the nightstand and later her down the bed and I slept on the small couch,while I was sleeping I felt something on top me I opened my eyes a bit saw Kokichi sleeping on top off me, there was a blanket around us I gave her all the blankets, I didn't really care so I went back sleep

I woke up and I was on the bed wasn't I sleeping on the couch, then I saw Kokichi sleeping on the couch, I stood up and picked her up and put her on the bed I thought of going back to sleep plus the alarm hasn't yet so I guess I could go back to sleep since the alarm played yet, so I went back to sleep

The morning announcement played and I woke and saw Kokichi still sleeping, maybe this is she always comes late to the cafeteria late I went to the bathroom and took a shower and when I got put Kokichi was still sleeping so I woke her up "Kokichi wake up" I shaked her lightly "Hmmmmmm?" I blushed a bit "Kokichi you need to wake up" "Okay" she took a pillow and put on her face "Nevermind I don't want to get up" she said tiredly "Fine I'm giving you 20 minutes to get up" "Hmmmnn 30 minutes" "25 minutes" "30 minutes" "Fine you can sleep for 30 minutes only 30 minutes" "Sounds okay for me" she got up and went to the bathroom I looked at her with confusion, didn't she want just say that she wanted to sleep? Well I guess it's easier now to get her up

After she was done showering and dressing herself we went to the cafeteria and saw I everyone was there expect for Ryoma while Kirumi was in the kitchen making food for everyone when we got inside everyone looked at Kokichi "Hey Kokichi why did say Monokuma didn't brainwash you?" Kokichi looked a bit nervous "Huh, oh yeah well it's because since I have a split personality maybe whoever brainwashed us didn't do it to my other personality" when she was done talking she went to the kitchen and took out 5 bottles of panta "Where are you going with 5 bottles of panta?" "Panta is my love of my life" "Nyeh didn't you say that Shuichi is your the love of your life?" "Not anymore because panta is my heart" she said dramatically

Kokichi's POV: As I got out the cafeteria trying to avoid questions when I was passing through the Gym, I smelt a smell that smelled like blood I quickly got inside the Gym and saw Ryoma body there on the ground lying on his own blood I was gonna turn around then I saw...........

Heeeyyyyyyy~~ I'm back y'all with a banger

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