Need more courage

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Kokichi's POV: After that chaos Kaito created in the kitchen and Maki helping me out with cleaning the kitchen and inviting me about everyone in this shithole about who could be the mastermind later on the discussion ended, while we all went to our dorms I was wondering off around and I heard someone talking with Monokuma "So what will the next motive be?" "Maybe bringing them to a place and not give them food or any blankets and they'd have to kill in order for all of them to leave" "Nice work for an anime weeb like you!" I looked closely and saw that it was Tsumagi, when I was gonna turn around I saw Shuichi "Ah!" "Huh who's there?" "Shhhh" he said quietly they were gonna get out the cafeteria until Shuichi ran and taking me with, we reached the dormitory and went inside Shuichi's dorm "D-did you hear that?" "Yeah, Tsumagi is the mastermind behind this fucked game" when I heard Shuichi say the f word my jaw dropped, but it didn't matter now "Should we tell everyone?" "I don't think we should now because we're gonna need evidence" "Okay, hey can I ask you a question?" "Sure what is it Kokichi?" "Can I sleep in your dorm?" "Sure you can, you've been sleeping in my dorm for quite a long time now" "O-oh I didn't notice" I said with a small blush coming onto my cheeks while playing with my hair "I'll go take my clothes" "Okay" I got out the dorm feeling all fuzzy and warm inside, is this what it's like to feel love? When I got to my dorm I footsteps I turned around and saw Tsumagi "Oh hey Oma~san!" "Don't call me that" "Oh okay" she let out a nervous laugh "Anyways where are you going?" "My dorm" "Ok bye!" "Bye" when she left I felt like attacking her but I was weak while my other personality is very dangerous and strong, but I still knew self defense, I went inside my room and took my pajamas and clothes I got out my dorm and went to Shuichi's, I rang the doorbell and the door opened " Hey Shumai!" "Hello Kichi, come in" I still blushed even thought im quite used to him calling me that it's actually a good nickname "Okie!"

Shuichi's POV: I heard the doorbell ring and I went and opened it to reavel Kokichi carrying her clothes with her "Hey Shumai!" "Hello Kichi, come in" Kokichi blushed at the nickname but I didn't say anything "Okie!" She got inside "Wow you really do clean your room Shu!" "Um thanks for the compliment I guess" "Your really good at cleaning, how come you say your isn't clean" "I can be lazy sometimes too, degenerate male!" Kokichi punched me playfully, she giggled after, I blushed and i stood there looking at her "Hey you've been standing there for a while, what are thinking about hmmmn?" "Oh it's nothing important" "Well if it's from the hot detective than surely it has to be important" H-hot detective!? I might as well just tell her how I feel "Nishishishi~ Saihara~chan your adorable when you blush" Kokichi really is creative when it comes nicknames, okay Shuichi Saihara your gonna tell her that you like her okay, breath in and breath out breath in and breath out breath "Um Kokichi I have something to tell you" "What is it Shumai?" Damn it, I can't tell her i don't have the courage "Nevermind, sorry maybe I'll tell later" "Are you sure Shu?" "Yes I'm sure" "Okay!" Kokichi organized her clothes, I watching her then I snapped back to reality and went to take a book off the bookshelf when I was gonna sit down she already done "Hey what are you reading?" "A murder mystery book" she looked at the book's cover "Ohhh~ it's the book we were reading" "Yeah it is" "Wow i didn't know that Shumai liked my taste in books" "Um do you want to read with me?" Kokichi looked at me shocked than blushed "OF COURSE SHUMAI!" "Kokichi don't make a noise everyone's sleeping"




We were reading for about 2 hours hours until Kokichi put her head on my shoulder, she was half asleep "Kokichi do you want to sleep?" "Yeah Shumai".... "Kokichi?" She was asleep, I put her on the bed, I was gonna sleep on the couch "M-mikan p-please don't leave m-me" something felt strange when she said the name Mikan I feel like I've met them before, she started to cry I went towards her and comforted her I tried to sing but I was gonna sing for her but I just thought of comforting her, she stopped crying, later I drifted to sleep.......

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