3rd Execution

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Shuichi's POV: "Okay let's start with everyone's alibi" "I was Himiko in the cafeteria eating some of the tripe hot pot leftovers you guys left and Tsumagi was there with us" "Nyeh that is true she was also with us but didn't eat" Why didn't she eat even though she didn't have breakfast? I wanted to ask her why but, Tenko would just say something "Don't question the beautiful female you degenerate male!" I looked at Kokichi, I think she know what I was gonna ask her "Hey Tsumagi" "Yes?" "Why didn't you eat? You should have atleast ate a bit because you didn't have breakfast" " Oh um I wasn't hungry that's all" she looked a bit nervous and I think Kokichi and Maki noticed it too "But then who wouldn't be hungry after not breakfast? "O-oh u-um I ate too much yesterday that's all" I didn't get good a feeling around her at all, we'll have to interrogate her but I think Kokichi is very good at that, I mouthed out that she must continue interrogating her "But Tsumagi you also left some leftovers too and yours was a very big portion of leftovers" She looked as if someone has pushed her way too much "I wasn't hungry because Angie and Korekiyo died yesterday and I very sad to to eat!" She started to yell "But then everyone was very sad especially Himiko and Tenko but they still ate" Maki said "But you and Angie weren't that close, you guys were like acquaintances" Kokichi said "B-b-because because!" "Nevermind I'm done pushing your buttons, let's go back to the trial now shall we!" I looked at her and she winked at me, I blushed a bit and covered my mouth with my hand she just giggled a bit, she was very adorable but I had to go back to the trial

(They went over everyone's alibi and nothing started to add up like they were going back and and forth and Shuichi lied about that he heard Ryoma while walking with Kokichi and Kokichi agreed to the lie and then....)

"Oh Shumai I forgot to mention that I saw two black ripped pieces of clothing at the back if the Gym" "How the fuck did you forget that shit Cockitchy!?" "I forgot it because your lazy, kinky no dad, lacking parental love, masochist ass had to call me and I forgot about it" "H-hhuuuuh?!" "O-on the record m-my parents d-do love me you abortion!" "How the hell am I an a abortion when I'm still eating, sleeping, talking and insulting your bumass?" (Naah jit trippin😧) "Y-you little-" "Okay now shut you failed abortion(😧), anyways back to the case I saw two pieces of black clothing at the back of Gym"

I'm not writing this, they find out that Kirumi killed Ryoma and do the rebuttal and manga shit

"Um are we sure Kirumi is? What if it's someone?" Tenko said "Are we sure Kokichi isn't the cluprit?" "Haha how rude"
"It's cast your votes" Monokuma said

Kirumi shows them why she killed Ryoma everyone cries and Kirumi runs (She's a runner she's a trackstar)

"I refuse die in this Hellhole" "I WILL NOT DIIEE!" "AAAAAAHHH" She let out a blood curdling scream "I have prepared a special punishment for the Ultimate maid" "Let's give everything we got it's punishment time" "AAAAAHHH"

That was it Kirumi Tojo the ultimate maid was no longer with us we were sad  "puhuhuhu look at your faces you are filled with so much despair!" "Damn you Monokuma I promise you one fucking day we'll get out of here!"Kokichi yelled "Like that's gonna happen, you guys are stuck here!" everyone looked at her they were shocked, now that I realize it Kirumi and Kokichi were very close, I can see how it also feels like for her when Keade died, anger was filled inside her eyes, I looked at everyone and something caught my eye Tsumagi was smirking an, evil smirk I chose to ignore it but maybe I should tell someone about

We all went inside the elevator and got out we went our separate ways Kokichi went to her dorm and I went to mine, but then something started to bother me it was about Tsumagi, the way she acted when Kokichi and Maki were interrogating her and when she was smirking, I'll maybe tell Kokichi about it later

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