🥀The outside world🥀

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*Third person POV*

They all followed Jack and saw the tunnel, without hesitation Joker ran inside the tunnel "Ko-Joker wait! Come back!" Then Shuichi followed her into the tunnel running after her "Sidekick! Wait up!" Then Kaito ran after him and everyone followed Kaito. When they got in the tunnel it was dark and it skank "Ew, why'd we follow her again?" "Because you guys trust me" "We trust Kokichi not you" "Woooowwwww you guys are so mean" "Nyeh I think we got it from you" "Shut it! Magic isn't real" "W-what y-yes it is real!" "Nope! It doesn't" "Yes it does!" "No" "Yes" "Yes" "No. W-wait-" "Too late you already said it" "N-no magic does exist" "Okay whatever you say" After the small fuss that the psycho did with the red head mage they all went deeper into the tunnel which was getting darker and darker away from the light. While they were walking Himiko's hairpin started glowing "Wow! Himiko your hairpin is glowing! Now that's magic" "R-really you think that magic exists?" "Of course I do believe that magic exists. How did you pull a rabbit out of your hat?" "It took me a lot of practice" "You should also teach me" "O-okay. I'll teach you" They were talking and talking until they saw small light shining at the end of the tunnel, they all started running towards it at the end of the tunnel they Monokuma saw standing there "W-what d-didn't you get crushed by a rock along with Tsumagi?" "Yep but you forgot that I have multiple copies of myself" "But don't you need Tsumagi in order to build another Monokuma?" "Yep but she made other one's. Well that doesn't matter now because you guys get to see the real world which I said that it's ten times more worse than the game" "Nyeh w-what do you mean by that?" "You'll get to see" Joker picked up Monokuma "What the hell are you doing!? I'll have you kno-" "The exisal's are destroyed so as your mother-less nine year old depressed cubz" "Fair point. But I won't let you carry me!" Monokuma struggled to get out of Joker's grip but she was holding him too tight and soon after Monokuma quit. They all went to the end and saw something that you call despair while Joker was calm because she had already knew "W-what the hell has happened to the world" "Despair took control that's what happened!" Monokuma was laughing his ass off while everyone except for Joker were shocked by the sudden appearance of the world "You shut the fuck up you little piece of shit!" "That's not how you speak to your headmaster!" "But there's no school and it's destroyed" "......Fuck" "Should we go up?" "What kind of dumbass question is that? Of course not!" "Well we can go look for food and find other people and get help or you pussy cats stay here for the rest of your lives to die in this shitty place" "Nyeh I'll go with the second option" "Hmp fine you pussy's stay here and die while I go and find other people" With that Joker climbed up and reached the outside world "Joker come back! Your gonna get hurt!" "I'm gonna be fine darling!" Shuichi followed Joker and smelt the air, the air was thin. Shuichi put his hand on his mouth and nose trying not to inhale the air "What's wrong sugar lips~~?" "It's the air" "Ohh your not used to it" "Wha-" Shuichi was interrupted by Kaito "Sidekick what happened!" "The air is dense" "Yeah but you should get used to it" "You too!?" Soon the rest went up and they saw the world "We shoul-" Maki was interrupted by two girls one had green hair and was carrying a microphone and the other had glasses on and messy purple hair. Joker immediately recognised the girl with purple hair "Toko?" "H-huh h-how d-do you know m-my name?" "Did you really forget me? It's me Joker, bitch" "Joker?" She said to herself "You really don't remember your own murderous sister" "Joker" She kept repeating to herself "Genocidal Joker/Jack the Ultimate occult" leader" "W-wait Koki- I mean Joker! W-where w-were you!" "A game" "What g-game?" "Killing game" "You also were in the game!?" "Wait bitch you mean that you were in the game too?" "Yes" "Where the fuck is Taeko?" "S-she died" Joker suddenly felt a bit saddened by her sister's death after so many years of trying to find her not knowing that she was in a killing she got kidnapped and also forced to play in the game and suddenly she fainted "Kokichi!" Shuichi immediately caught her before she hit crusty musty pusty fusty ground "K-k-kokichi! O-oh no" "What's wrong?" Toko was gonna speak until her lover interrupted her "Um sorry to ruin the moment but we should get going" "Oh r-right I-i'll i-inform M-makoto or K-kyoko that there a-are m-more p-people" "Who are they?" Maki said coldly "T-hey a-are  m-my c-class m-mates" "So there are more people too?" "Y-yes" "Do you know where we could go to maybe survive?" "N-no b-but t-there s-should b-be a h-helicopter c-coming towards u-us" "Huh? A heli-" Kaito was interrupted by a sudden helicopter coming out of nowhere "Where the hell did that helicopter come right away!?" "I-i d-don't k-know a-and d-don't a-ask m-me" "Hello are you guys Maki, Kaito, Himiko, Tenko, Kokichi and Shuichi?" "Yes we are" "Okay get in we'll explain everything" "Okay" they all got in the helicopter........

I miss writing

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