🌼Chapter 22🌼

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                    *Shuichi's POV*

Kokichi's door wasn't locked so I got in and I saw Kokichi holding a bloody knife in her hands "K-kokichi what happened" I ran towards her and grabbed her hands loosely "Kokichi explain what! What are you doing?" She started to tear up "I-i'm sorry! I-i didn't *hic* want to do this it's a-all my fault they died it's-" I hugged her "Kichi it's not your fault okay and it will never be" After a moment of silence she stopped crying a bit "I-i'm sorry" "Why are you sorry?" "I'm sorry because Gonta died!" What does she mean by that "Kichi what do you mean?" "I-if I had stopped him from using the flashback light he wouldn't have had to kill Miu" "Kichi it's not your fault, please stop" After a small moment of silence it was broken by Kokichi "S-shu" "Yes Kokichi?" "I-i feel sleepy. C-can we go to sleep?" "Okay Kichi" "Can you please carry me" I blushed at the request but brushed it off "Okay" I picked her up and put her on the bed to sleep, when I put on her the bed she was already fast asleep. I went to the door as I was about to leave I felt a bit weird, it was like my gut was telling me stay with and watch her. I decided to stay. When I was about to close the door I saw Tsumagi get out her dorm at this time, I thought that it was suspicious especially when she was talking to Monokuma and smiled while talking about a motive. Without hesitation I followed her trying not to get caught. I followed her to the girls bathroom (What the hell is she doing there?) I entered the bathroom and checked every single stall but I couldn't find her, I went inside an other stall it had a bucket a mop and a broom, I looked it and started examining the wall until I came across a brick. I pressed it and it revealed a secret passage I went inside and saw Tsumagi talking to Monokuma, I quickly took out my monopad and started recording "So Tsumagi when are we gonna introduce the new motive?" "I thought of a another idea. How about we kill it frame Kokichi? Just like how we did with Keade" Wait a she just said Keade. D-did Keade get framed, that means that Keade got framed the only person who helped me get my confidence and helped me get through this shithole!? I wanted to yell I wanted to just go up Tsumagi and kill her I felt like I was gonna faint, I was on the verge of tears but I heard footsteps and I quickly sprinted away from the place and got out of the girls bathroom. I went to Kokichi's dorm to make sure she was okay since I heard that bitch Tsumagi and Monokuma were gonna either kill or frame Kokichi I needed to go check on her, I got inside her dorm since it was unlocked and she was there sleeping I closed the door and went to on check her, she's still there. I decided to sleep. I took my shoes off and go onto the bed and drifted to sleep

Anyways guys I hope you gays enjoyed it

LMAO I'm not done writing😂

I woke up in a cold sweat and I realized Kokichi wasn't there. Shit shit shit shit shit "K-kokichi where are you?" I got up and went to the bathroom she wasn't there I looked everywhere but she wasn't here I went to my dorm and checked if she was in the closet anywhere and I smelt something the scent of blood it leaded to the bathroom I opened the door and I saw Kokichi on the floor with blood she had stab wound on her leg and she had multiple cuts on her face,her legs and neck "Kokichi!" I ran towards her and checking for a heart beat, she was still alive I looked for a med-kit and I found inside one of the shelves. I picked her up bridal style and put her on the bed I took the med-kit and I quickly took out the knife and took a bandage to wrap it around the wound, I didn't want to lose her I didn't want to lose another person who is important to me. I was done treating Kokichi's wounds and I heard Kokichi mumbling "S-s-shuichi" I look at her "Kokichi!" "S-shu p-please d-dont shout" "Sorry" I hugged lightly so that I didn't hurt her "Kokichi can you please tell me what happened" "O-okay. I woke up and I saw Tsumagi holding a knife I didn't have enough time to react she then stabbed a syringe to my neck and I dosed off" W-wait didn't I just see her in that place a while ago? So that means that there are secret passage ways in the school? "Okay Kokichi you can go back to sleep I'll stay with you" "O-okay" I let go of her and put the covers on top off her "A-aren't you gonna also gonna sleep?" "No, I need to make sure nothing or no one hurts you" "N-no you need to sleep too" "But Ki-" "No your also gonna sleep" "Okay" "Good now come and cuddle me!" She sounded like she was back to her normal self "Okay, okay" I went to the bed and cuddled with Kokichi.

Okay now I'm done writing

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