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This is it. I've made it. She's here with me. But it's not like we got the time to talk about what that meant last night though. We focused more on the physical aspect of our reunion. Like... we kissed. A lot. I smile proudly at this thought, remembering how frightened I was at the idea of sucking at it after all this time. But I don't think I did. I hope not.
Our bodies were just craving for each other but also it had this familiar sense, as if we both knew how to move with each other. Time had passed yet we remembered each other. That's what I thought when I grabbed her thighs, pulling her close as I carried her to the bed. She immediately laid down, our kiss unbroken until I had to break it off to get rid of my shoes. It only lasted seconds but when I turned back, just like in my memories, or maybe in my dreams, she opened her legs, inviting me between. It wasn't sexual, not that it didn't arouse me, but a way of bringing me back to her.
I leaned over, crawling up the bed until I was just at her level. Her fingers reached instinctively for my cheeks, scoping my face as I came closer. She was sweet yet firm, as in a way to assert how she didn't want to let me go. And so was I, not wanting to leave. That's what we were telling each other, without any sounds but our kisses, without any promises but our tongues twirling against each other. An unspoken love. A devouring passion.
My body was on fire, maybe that's when I got rid of my shirt, I don't recall exactly. But I do have vivid images of her eyes checking me up and down. I can still feel her fingers skimming over my bare skin, every touch creating a spike of heat at the contact, every kiss fueling this fire down my stomach. I moved instinctively, my hands caressing her naked thighs until she shivered and I froze.
« You're cold » She whispered, kissing me gently before taking my hand into her, placing it back on her. Taking such action  as an approval, I continue exploring her body. And fuck I missed it. I skimmed over every square of skin at first until I got to her chest. By this point, her breath had sharpened, especially as I skimmed over her nipples. Amused, I gently pinched those above her shirt, her body responding almost immediately. Her knees were taken by thrills as I leaned furthermore so I could bring my mouth upon those. Even with the shirt still on, the nipples were pointing enough for me to play with them. I missed doing this, I missed her aroused face. How her cheeks get red and redder, how her breath sharpens and damn how she moans. I proudly smiled, happy I could still make her do one of those faces, crawling back up to let gentle kisses from her cheekbone to her face. One kiss on the chin, one kiss on the base of her lips. But as I got to her actual lips, already open, ready for me, I pulled back, a grin on my face. She raised on her elbows, trying to catch me, but I was out of reach.
« Just kiss me already...» she breathed, struggling to swallow
« Are you perhaps impatient ? » I mocked her, owning me a glare.
« Fuck you » She probably wished her tone had been harsher, more than the whisper it actually was. But fuck, how her voice turned me on, how much power she had on me as well because it took me about a second before I took her face in my palms and kissed her. Gently at first until she deepened it. I could feel her body twitching below me, her hands on my back, scratching my skin while her teeths nibbled my inferior lip. That girl drives me crazy.
Hours have passed since then, yet I can still see the traces I have left on her shirt, circles on her chest. Her bare legs are tightened around mine, her face curled into my arms. I can tell by the way her chest rises irregularly that she's awake. I don't think either of us could find sleep after yesterday. I still have chills down my spine at the very thought of her lips on mine. It's like after speaking out all the unsaid, releasing all the anger, we had to free this dreadful passion between us too. And we made out. Over and over again. I don't even remember how it ended, neither do I care. Right now I am all about hugging her as tight as I can.
My fingers skim over her bare arms, gently caressing her skin. I carefully stop at her wrist, not wanting to raise pain in her hand, before I go up again till her neck. Machinally, I draw some circles at the base of her skull, twirling her little lock of hair escaping her messy bun. I freeze for a second as her body shivers.
« Don't stop » She murmurs softly. Her voice isn't sleepy but... peaceful ? I nod, not that she can see it, and go back to my endeavor. And we stay there, in silence. No words are spoken yet it's like we are the most in sync as we have ever been. That's when I remember.
« Fuck » I growl making Enid immediately stands up. Distracted by her hair running down her shoulders, I have to take a second before mumbling. « The vote ». I meet her green eyes, her eyelashes battling with confusion yet a look so intense I can't hold it. « The council has to take a vote on whether Dante and the boy are staying ». I explain, getting out of bed in haste while searching for my clothes. Why did I even take off my pants ? I kneel to look under the bed, catching Enid mouthing the name Dante, as she's probably never heard it before. « They must be waiting for me, shit where are my – Oh, here they are. » I almost feel while putting my pants on too quickly, amusing Enid.
« Relax » She breathes, crawling to the end of the bed to put a hand on my chest. Yeah... that's not going to slow down my heart rate, on the contrary. « Pretty sure Aaron is still downstairs » That helps, but only a little which Enid seems to notice as she gets out of bed, dressing swiftly too.
« Hum, Enid ? » She turns her head my way « Maybe you should change your clothes too » I point at the traces around her tits. I swear I could tell she blushed before catching another shirt but as she was about to take it off, her cheeks turn even redder
« Could you... » She leaves the words in the air but I know what she means and turns around, trying my best to focus on the awesome wall in front of me.
« Done » that's my cue as I open the door, ready to leave.
I feel her presence as I walk downstairs, more like running really, until something hits me. Aaron. I am in no mood to be confronted by his inquiring face, but as I bypass the stairs, here he is, his arms crossed and the very same expression I was trying to avoid.
« Carl ? What are you doing he- » He looks up to find Enid behind me, his eyes going back and forth between the two of us and our messy clothes. Shit.
« Aaron, I can explain-» I raise my hands as to surrender
« Hi Carl ! Hi Enid ! » Yells a little blond head, stepping before Aaron. I swear I even saw Gracie kicking her father's leg gently with a disapproving look before she turns to greet us.
« Hey sweetie » Enid bypasses me to hug the little girl whose smile cannot stop but widening as she lays eyes on me. Gracie raises at the tip of her toes to whisper something to Enid's ear but I cannot hear from where I am standing. So all I have is Aaron's furrowed face.
« I... I should go » I look for my coat before remembering I ran here so I don't have any.
« Wait » Enid comes to me, running her fingers through my shuffled hair with this concentrated look before she steps back, smiling proudly. « There you go. Can't let you get out with this look »
And for a second we stand there, freezed in time, with the same question on our lips. Should we kiss ? I swallow with difficulty, clearly uneased. Her eyes are staring at me, her face gently tilting to her side, yet she doesn't move forward and neither do I. What should I do ?
« Okayy then, gotta go » My voice cracks as I say so, patting Enid's shoulder as I leave the house. I can't barely hear her say good luck before the door closes and I am left in the cold. Alone.
Fuck, fuck, fuck. Gotta go ? Really ? I am such an idiot. It's been so long since we were actually together. Wait, are we even together ? We kissed but we didn't talk about it. What if it was just a one time thing ? No. It can't be. Right ?

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