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The stream is now quiet, the current has stopped as ice took over. I stare at this bright surface covering what used to be water. If you look closer, you can still spot some small waves beneath the ice. I grab a rock on the floor, the cold in my palm sending shivers down my body, and throw it not so carefully on the ice. The rock bounces one time before sliding a few meters. When it finally stopped, no hole was created but some cracks can be noticed. Still not thick enough then. I exhale, a bit disappointed. Considering the latest weather, mostly wind and snow, I thought the stream would have freezed faster. If it did, It would have been possible to cross it on foot and cut the itinerary short.

I shiver as a cold wind lifts the locks of my hair. It has gotten quite long since the barn. I thought about cutting them but it's giving me some kind of warmth in my neck and it's not like I have much protection against the cold nowadays. And that's exactly what I am worried about, considering a storm seems to be coming my way.

I climbed down the hill I was hidden on to head back to the core of the forest. About a few thousand meters up ahead I spot this small cabin among the trees. I turn around to see if anyone's there before heading for the wooden door that I slowly push. I only make one step inside when a knife is pulled up to my throat. I raise my eyes to meet the brown ones of a young man. He's coming on his thirties yet still looks quite young even though a small red beard is starting to appear on his chin. He seems terrified but also determined before I see something go through his eyes and he sighs heavily.

"Oh god it's you. You scared the hell out of me Enid"

"The feeling is mutual" I smiled at my friend. "Can you please put down the knife now?" I scoff

"Oh shit sorry, yeah." Jonas says a bit embarrassed before stepping back.

It's actually kind of adorable when he does so. Jonas is kind and gentle, he only fights whenever he needs to protect his family to whom he'll give anything.

"It took you long enough" I hear a voice coming from the end of the cabin. When you speak of the devil. I turn to discover my friend, pregnant as hell, barely staggering to meet up with me.

"You should be resting" I sigh while going to help her sit

"I am fine" Dawn argues but still puts herself down against the wall for some kind of comfort

"But -"

"Hey, don't start like Jonas" She warns me and god she's bossy. We can't even blame the pregnancy, it's all hers, she is just like one of those people, always feisty and filled with passion. I love that about her.

"I am a doctor," I retort with a smile. "And for the record, I was out there looking for these -" I say while pulling out herbs from the bag beneath my small coat, "for you. And for your stupid boyfriend and his ankle" I add while looking at Jonas beneath my shoulder.

I give Dawn some herbs to ease her pain. It won't do miracles but it's the best I can do in these conditions. I put a hand on the shoulder of the future-mother and get up to join Jonas.

"Show it to me" He does as I say right away, pulling up the end of his pants enough for me to look at his ankle.

"It's a bit inflated but nothing to worry so far as long as you keep this up" I say while putting against his limb a wooden plank I've just found before wrapping it with a piece of fabric to hold everything together.

"Thank god you are here" He whispers as soon as I am done

"Don't scream victory yet, it's only some plants for the pain and a mediocre splint"

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