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The window cracks, shaking from up to down with an endless squeaking. I can hear the wind blowing against the house, the walls fighting to hold on, yet a cold breeze spreads inside. I crouch down near the chimney, teasing the fire as to warm us up before we carry on the interview.

Daryl asked all the important questions, squinting his eyes as to make up his mind on the man standing in the center. Dante he said was his name. Lost his group to walkers except for the boy a few months back. Surgeon. That's the last information which caught everyone's attention. We are always in need of a doctor. Especially considering Siddiq's state lately. Getting Enid back has helped but it cannot erase the trauma he has been put through. Nor does it work on Enid either. Fresh pair of hands could be useful. If trustworthy.

I look right through Dante's eyes. I can't tell why, but a strange feeling takes over, an instinct telling me not to get him out of my sight so I step back, crossing my arms as I sit on the table. Just like me, Michonne and Daryl are yet to be convinced. But the rest seems to be willing to take him in.

« We will take a vote tomorrow » Gabriel finally announces and everyone agrees. « For now, we'll ask you to stay in here and we'll keep your weapons. » Dante doesn't seem to mind, acting quite compliant.

It's only then I spot a little shadow, the boy crawled into a corner, sitting in silence. But even with the dirt, I can see his eyes scanning the area and us. While the rest of my friends are heading out, I come closer, making sure not to scare him.

« Hi, I am Carl. Can you tell me your name? » But I am left with only silence and a curious pair of eyes. He doesn't step back, occasionally startling if I move too quickly. After a whole minute, he gently tilts his head, pointing at my missing eye.

« Yeah. Got shot as a kid. » He doesn't seem to truly understand which is fair as guns aren't around much these days. Yet he isn't scared either by my scar. Weird.

« Carl ? Coming ? » I turned around just for a second to nod to Daryl but by the time I looked back, the boy had crawled away from my reach. I sigh, waving in his direction, confusing him even more, before I head out.


Still unaware of what we will do, I walk past the stables, heading for the gates to warn the guards to be on the look-out. That's when I noticed Alden, packing up his bags on a horse. A singular horse. At first, I bypass him, thinking it's none of my business but after a few meters I can't help but turn around out of curiosity.

« Going somewhere ? » I stand against the wooden pillar, staring right at him but all I get is a glare before he goes back to his previous activity.

« Waw, could you be any less polite ? » I snark, ready to leave when he turns around

« Why are you even here Carl ? Want to glow to my face ? » I furrow my eyebrows clearly confused even though I know I would never miss an opportunity to make a fun of him

« Oh, what did you do again ? Did you get scared in the dark ? » His face tenses at my words, anger fueling inside of him, until something else takes over. Confusion.

"She didn't tell you?" It's like he's in disbelief and the way he talks makes me immediately stand up

"What ?" I ask amused but when his eyes keep running from mine, my tone gets more annoyed « What ? »

"Carl... » His voice is deep, he takes a deep breath as if he needs to gather all his strengths to speak those words « Enid and I, we broke up"

"What ? When ?"

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