BY VS Adam

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Blake and Yang POV

Before Adam could take the pill out of his back pocket, Yang starts running at him without hesitation making him put his hand back on his blade as he growls.

Yang: Bring it on!

Yang throws her fist toward him which he easily just blocks with his katana, but it doesn't stop her as her fist just feels heavy for him which he has no choice but to get push back which Yang smirks.

Yang: What having trouble?

Adam growls as he dodges her punch and quickly grabs by her neck slamming her onto the ground, as he is distracted Blake quickly runs toward his side slamming her foot right into his face making him stagger as he holds his face in pain.

Blake: Yang are you ok?

Yang nods as she gets up and looks at Blake giving her a nod letting her know for both of them to attack together.

Blake runs up in front which Adam goes to strike her but she quickly dodges and uses her semblance making a clone of herself making Adam hit the clone as she takes her chance and tries to slash him but he puts his blade back up again blocking her attack, Yang runs from behind and slams her fist into his stomach making him groan in pain which he throws a powerful slash to Yang that she is able to block but the strength in his attack makes her fly back. She groans in pain getting out of her spot as she spots Blake struggling to fight Adam, due to her wound and exhaustion.

Adam: Dammit! Why are you working with a human!? Why did it have to come to this!?

He yells as he throws another powerful attack on her making her stagger as she desperately tries to make some room between them so she can take a breath and concentrate but the wound is making it hard and Adam attacking her is just making it impossible. Yang touches the straw hat on her neck as she smiles thinking of her next move.

Yang: Bomb fist!

Yang goes flying at Adam as her hair is glowing yellow along with her eyes glowing red, her fist back as Adam tries to jump back but Blake makes a clone of herself to Grab Adams wrist to not let him escape. Yang punches Adam right in the face and the explosion coming from her gauntlets sends Adam flying out of the building along with both Yang and Blake flying back just from the impact shattering their aura but they grab onto each other to not lose each other sight, which they breath heavily as they smile.

Blake: I think you might've been overboard.

Yang: Can you really say that after we've been living with Luffy for that long?

Blake: Good point.

They both get up slowly as Yang stretches her arm feeling how hurt and sore it is from the impact which she limps but laughs.

Yang: Hey, let's go back. Bet everyone is waiting for us.

She says to Blake which she smiles and nods as they start walking away but Blake feel something off as she turns around seeing Adam out with his Rifle out glowing bright red which Blake has never seen but she knows it not good as she runs at Yang.

Blake: Yang!

Everything feels slow as Yang turns around and sees Adam shooting his Rifle the bullet getting close toward her, she see Blake go right in front of her going to take the bullet but Yang doesn't hesitate as she grabs Blake by her shoulder and pushes her out of the way as the bullet flies right at Yang's right arm making her fall back as she just yells in pain.

Blake: Yang! 

Blake runs toward her as she bends down toward her taking off a piece of her own clothes and ties it around her injured arm seeing the blood just gushing out.

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