1) jobless

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A/n: This is my first story, enjoy.


♡Gia Romano♡

"UGH! Why doesn't anyone need a babysitter?" I'm so frustrated, I've applied to 5 different babysitter jobs but they all declined because apparently being 19 years old, results in me being "too young" to look after children. (*eyeroll*)

My name is Gia Romano, and although I'm only 19, I have finished school and am looking for a babysitting job. I love kids, and I thought 'hey, why not get a job doing something I love' and I love looking after kids because they are so cute and so fun to play with.

But no one wants to hire me because of my age and I think that's just stupid.
I gotta ring my mom now and let her know. She has always supported me and my decisions, even though she wasn't happy I wanted to become a babysitter she still supported me.

My mother is a fashion designer and my dad has his own law firm so it's not like I need the money but why should I get a job doing something I loath rather than doing something I love.

But just as always she calls me first.
"Hey mom, how are you?"

"Hey sweetie, I'm doing good, my new summer collection is all sold out." My mom sounds excited. Omg, I'm so proud of my mother, she worked so hard on her summer collection I'm not surprised they all sold out.

"Woah, that's great mom, how's Dad?" This is the part I'm dreading, you'll see why soon.

"He's great, he's missing you though, we both are. He's been wondering how your babysitting is going? Have you found any jobs yet?"

"Um, I've applied to a few different babysitting posts but they all got rejected. Its no big deal though." I'm hoping she can't hear the disappointment in my voice.

"Oh, honey that's terrible, you know you can always take a job at your father's firm, or you could help me with my designs, your an amazing designer Gia. You know I don't approve of you wanting to babysit but if that's what you want to do then I'll support you." Thank God she didn't put Dad on the phone.

"Thanks mama, I love you. Please don't tell Dad that my applications got rejected, I don't want to disappoint him." My dad isn't the most accepting person when it comes to rejection. When I was in middle school, I didn't get into the cheerleaders team and my dad ended up threatening the coach to give me a spot. It was so embarrassing.

"Don't worry, I won't tell him. I love you too sweetie, I've got to go now because I'm gonna be late for a meeting but I'll call you later. Bye Sweetie."

"Bye mom." I hung up, but now I'm bored. Since I don't have a job I'm gonna call my sister and see if she wants to go to the mall with me.
I'm desperately in need of some new outfits.

So I dialed my sisters number and called her.
Woo-hoo, she actually picked up.

"Hey Emilia, I'm bored wanna go to the mall with me?" I know exactly what she's going to say, there's no way she can say no to going to the mall with me.

"Hey little sis, sure, you don't even have to ask, you know I can't say no to the mall!" Emilia said, she sounds a little too excited for a trip to the mall, I'm not surprised.

"Great, get ready I'll be there in ten." I hung up and ran straight to my walk in closet I have the perfect outfit for a day at the mall.

Gia's outfit

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Gia's outfit

Now that I'm ready, I go downstairs and grab the keys to my white range rover and head other to pick up my sister.

Once I get there, my sister is already outside her house waiting for me.

"Emilia get in!" I shout from the car, across her long lawn.
She jumps in and my, does she look good.

Emilia's outfit

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Emilia's outfit

"Omg, sis you look amazing. You have to let me borrow that outfit some time." I started the car and started driving to the mall as I complimented her.

"Of course Gia, you look amazing too. Now let's go. The clothes are gonna go out of season if we don't get there soon." I laugh at her over exaggerating self. But that doesn't stop me from speeding to the mall.

A/n: hey guys, that's the first chapter done. Sorry its a bit short, i was going to write more but it goes better with the next chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed it. Please don't be silent readers.
I love feedback and I would love to see what you thought of this chapter.

The next chapter will be out soon.

~Angela Daves

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