13) Alfie

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♡Gia Romano♡

I wake up with a strong soreness in my lower region.

I look to my right and see Ace, and everything that happened yesterday comes rushing back.

Oh my God.

What have I done. I just slept with my boss.

I try to loosen Ace's grip, but his grip tightens.

"Stay." He says in his very deep morning voice. Fuck. It's so hot.

"I need to get dressed Ace. And I want to see Leo today because I miss him." I say as I turn to face him. He opens his eyes slowly and just smiles at me. "Why are you smiling at me like that?"

"I love the way you talk about Leo." Ace says as he places a gentle kiss on my lips. I hum in content as I deepen the kiss. We gently pulls our lips apart as our foreheads touch.

"We better get dressed." I say as I look down. I quickly get up and wear my robe as I head to my closet, ignoring the soreness between my legs.

I quickly get dressed and put some makeup on and do my hair.

I quickly get dressed and put some makeup on and do my hair

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Gia's outfit^

As I exit my closet, I see Ace standing at the edge of my bed now fully clothed in a suit.

He leans in to kiss me but I turn my head to the side, so he ends up kissing my cheek instead.

I grab my phone, and from the corner of my eye I see Ace looking hurt. I need to talk to him about this later.

I need to know.

"Let's go, I'll make us breakfast." I say walking downstairs into my kitchen. My kitchen is quite a large space, with a large island and large sliding doors that lead to my backyard.

Ace sits on a stool in front of the island as I make us some eggs and bacon. Whilst the eggs and bacon a cooking, I pour us some orange juice and place Ace's glass in front of him.

I look up at Ace and see him starring at me confused.

I plate the bacon and eggs and place Ace's plate next to his glass. I place my plate down and I'm about to pull out another stool when Ace stops me.

"Sit." He says sternly as he taps his thigh. I don't argue with him and sit on his lap.

"What's on your mind tesoro?" Ace asks as he places one hand on my cheek. I shake my head, holding back tears that are trying to surface.

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