9) phone call

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♡Gia Romano♡

My alarm goes off, I don't waste any time, I grab it and throw it across the room.

I get out of bed and take a shower, brush my teeth and get ready.

As I'm getting ready, I hear my phone ring and look at the caller ID:

I answer the call and put it on speaker as I continue getting dressed.

"Hey Gia." My mom said. She sounds serious.

"Hey mom, how are you?" I ask nervously as I put my top on.

"I would be better if my daughter called me more often. Gio told me he met your boss yesterday." She says with a hint of frustration in her voice.

"Yeah, they are business associates apparently." I say as I now place my pants on.

"Yes, they are. I called because we need to tell you something urgent and your sister misses you so you will need to come visit us, so we can tell you and so you can spend time with your little sister." My mom says. By her tone, I can tell I'm in trouble so I can't say no.

"Okay, I'll come tomorrow mom because I have to let my boss know." I say as I place my shoes on.

"Okay daughter, we look forward to seeing you. Bye." She hangs up before I can reply.

I wonder what I did to make her this angry, she never talks to me like that.

Once I'm dressed, I call a cab to take me to take me to Ace's.

Once I'm dressed, I call a cab to take me to take me to Ace's

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Gia's outfit^

The can arrives and I get in and the driver takes me to Ace's house.


The drive to ace's house, as usual, wasn't that long. I have arrived and I knock on the door.

To my surprise, Dante opens the door.

This is awkward.

"Hey Gia, come in." He says happily. I step into the large house and head to the living room.

"So um, Dante, I wanted to ask you something." I say as I settle onto the couch.

"Okay." He says still standing.

"I was wondering if it was okay for us to stay as just friends and I apologize if I led you on but I really don't think of you like that and I'm sorry about letting it go to far at the ball." I say looking down, I feel really guilty.

"It's okay, I feel the same way." Dante says as he smiles at me.

He gets a call and looks at the ID. "Sorry, I have to go now." Dante says, giving me an apologetic look.

"It's okay." I say as he walks out.

After about 5 minutes, Ace enters the room with Leo in his arms.

"Gia!" Leo says as he jumps out of Ace's arms and runs towards me. Me and Ace chuckle at his actions.

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