23) brothers

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♡Gia Romano♡

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♡Gia Romano♡

The only thought running through my mind right now is how do I tell Ace? He's only just started to open up to me, will he be happy?

My thoughts are interrupted by two hands on my waist.

"What's wrong amore mio?" Ace places a soft kiss on my shoulder.

"Nothing Ace, I'm just a little tired." I turn to face him only to be faced with a pout. He's so cute when he's like this. Sometimes it's hard to believe that this big baby is a mafia leader.

"Tesoro, sei stato protagonista del tuo piatto per 5 minuti. Per favore dimmi cosa c'è che non va." I know when Ace starts speaking Italian he's being serious. I don't know how long I can keep this from him.

"I'm fine Ace, really. I'm just not hungry." I say with a smile. I get up and take Ace's empty plate and my untouched one and place them on the kitchen counter.

"Tesoro, are you ill? Do you have a fever?" I laugh at his questions.

"No im not ill Ace, I'm completely healthy." I say smiling as I kiss him. I love when he's so caring like this. It makes me fall in love with him more.

"Mmm, i'll never get tired of kissing you mi amore." Ace places a hand on my butt and pulls me closer and brings our lips closer. I really should tell him.

"Ace I need t-"

But the moment is disrupted by Mario. Ace's head guard or something.

"Sorry to disrupt Don but something has happened to Angelo." Mario looks down in shame.

"What happened to my brother Mario!" Ace let's go of my waist and punches Mario.

"G-Gio Romano took him D-Don." What? My brother. As soon as those words left Mario's mouth, Ace stood there in shock.

"W-Why would my brother do that?" I whisper thinking no one heard but Ace did. I walk up to Ace and place my hand on his cheek, "we'll find your brother Ace. I'm so sorry for what my brother has done."

Ace pulls out his phone dials and number and starts speaking in Italian. "Prepara gli uomini. Sì tutti. Quel bastardo ha mio fratello! Dì a Dante di incontrarmi al magazzino! SÌ IN QUESTO MOMENTO!" I jump at his harsh tone, I try to comfort him but he's too tense.

"Calm down Ace, I'm sure you and Dante will get your brother back." Ace turns to me as I speak and leads me to the sofa.

"Tesoro, I want you to know that I will do whatever it takes to get my brother back. And I'm telling you this because your brother may not survive because of what he has done. And I'm sure when Dante sees him, he will kill him." Ace takes my hands and kisses the back of each.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 10 ⏰

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