11) the truth

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                     ♡Gia Romano♡

The past 2 weeks with my family have been fun. I never realized how much I missed them.

Mom and dad haven't mentioned Ace to me again, so I'm hoping they won't force me to live with them. 

Right now I'm sat at the dinner table eating breakfast with my little sister, mom said that dad had to go sort some work stuff out. I've spent most of my time here with Isabella and my mom, my dad isn't always out at work and comes home late at night so I haven't bothered to talk to him again.

I finish my food and a maid takes my empty plate. But just as I'm about to head to my room my mom stops me.

"Hey Gia, me and your father have something to tell you." Mom says as she gently grabs my hand and leads me to one of the many living rooms in this house.

I sit on the couch and prepare myself for whatever my mom needs to tell me.

"We are in the mafia." She says so casually. And just as she says that my father walks in.

"What?" I ask, hoping that this is a joke.

"You father is the Don of the second highest mafia in the world."


"Your joking right?" I ask as I stand up and stare at the both of them in shock.

"No we're not." Dad says as he sits in his armchair.

"Your father's firm is only for the public  and what we use to explain how we have so much money, the same with my fashion company." Mom explains as she sits and motions for me to sit next to her.

"Why?" I'm so confused.

"It's not a choice Gia, your father inherited this from his father." What?

"The reason we don't like Ace is because he is the Don of the strongest mafia in the world." She explains.

"But why do you hate him because of that? That's stupid. He hasn't done anything to you. And how could he be a mafia boss, he has a son." I say honestly. Ace is so kind, he isn't a monster, he would never be a mafia boss.

"He tried to kill your brother Gia."

"NO! Why are you telling me stuff like this! Why are you lying!" I shout as I get up again and walk around the room.

"Gia, calm down." My mom says.

"No! You just lying to me to make me forget that father is a mafia boss! He kills people for a living mom! How can you love a monster like him!" I shout.

"Don't try and turn this around onto Ace and say he's things that he isn't! He doesn't have a violent bone in his body! He has a fucking son God dammit!" I start to pace around the room in anger.

"Gia, we're not lying." Mom says.

"Fuck this. I'm leaving." I say as I head to my room and quickly pack my stuff.

How could they say such terrible things, Gio and Ace are business associates. I accept that my family is apart of the mafia, but not Ace. I refuse to believe that someone as kind and annoying as Ace could be a murderer.

I finish packing, and give my bags to the driver to put in the car. And I head to Isabellas room to say bye.

"Hey Gia." Isabella says as she gets up from her desk.

"Hey sis, what are you doing?" I ask as I hug her.

"Just some homework, it's due tomorrow." She says, she sees my driver walk past with my stuff and gives me a confusing look.

"Are you leaving?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry it's earlier than I planned but something came up and I have to go. I'll try to visit you soon." I say as I hug her. I know I'm probably not going to visit for probably a year.

"Promise? Don't leave me forever G." Isabella asks as she tightens the hug.

"I promise sis. I'd never leave you." I reassure her.

I let go of her and downstairs to leave. I say goodbye to my mom and head out the door to my car.

On the way to the airport, I get some McDonald's to eat on the way.


We landing, and I can't wait to be back in the comfort of my own home. The pilot announced that we can exit the plane now, so I head out and get a cab to take me home.

The cab drops me off and I pay him for the ride. I enter my house and head straight to my laundry room and take out all the dirty clothes from my bag and place them in the wash basket.

Once I've done that, I head to my bedroom and place my now empty bag in my closet and lay on my bed thinking about everything I've been told.

I can't believe that my family is apart of the mafia. The second strongest in the world. It explains why I see my brother with bruises so much, now that I know he will take over once my father does or steps down.

What I can't understand is why my mum lied to me all this time and also is lying about Ace being in the mafia. Ace is nothing like my father, he doesn't seem the type to be a part of the mafia, never-ending leading the most powerful mafia in the world.

I will probably question him about it when I see him tomorrow to babysit Leo.

Fuck. I need to let him know I'm back first.

I quickly grab my phone from my nightstand and press on Ace's name.
It doesn't take him long to answer.

"Tesoro, are you okay?" Ace asks.

"Yeah I'm fine Ace, I just wanted to let you know I'm back now and I can babysit Leo tomorrow." I say as I can't contain the smile on my face, I can't wait to see Leo.

"Sure tesoro, Leo has missed you." Ace replies. But just as I'm about to ask him what time he wants me there, I hear people in the backround.

"ci ha detto dov'è la spedizione." I hear someone say in the backround.
(He told us where the shipment is)

"I'm sorry Tesoro, I have to go. I'll see you tomorrow. ciao principessa." Ace says quickly as he hangs up.

I place my phone back on my nightstand, as I get up and get ready into some comfortable pj's and head to bed.


A/n: chapter 11 complete.

Sorry it's a short chapter guys, I was in a rush, and i was up all night writing but I will edit it once the book is finished.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Please notify me of any Grammer mistakes as well.

How will Gia face Ace tomorrow? Will she accept Ace is a mafia boss or will she forever be in denial? Will she ever forgive her parents for keeping such a big secret from her? Read on to find out.

Don't forget to comment and vote.

Next chapter will be out soon and I promise there will be smut for all you naughty naughty readers 😏😏.

             ~Angela Daves

1212 words

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