8) tension

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♡Gia Romano♡

I woke up with the feeling of someone's strong arm around me. I open my eyes and see Dante's bruised face with his arm around me.

Then it hits me.

Ace. He beat up his own brother.

I moved Dante's arm slowly and headed to the kitchen to get some pain killers for Dante's pain. I open the cabinet above the stove and see some painkillers. I grab then and some water to wash them down, and head back up to Dante's room.

When I walk in, I find Dante sitting up in bed frowning.

"What's wrong Dante?" I ask as I sit on the bed and give him the painkillers and water.

"I thought you left me." He said with a pout as he downed the painkillers.

"How's your bruises?" I ask as I look down in guilt. It's my fault he got beat up. He looks up at me and moves his hand to my cheek making me look at him.

"Hey, it's not your fault my brother is an ass." He chuckled at his own words and so did I. I looked at the time and realised I have one how before I have to head to Ace's and babysit Leo.

"Hey um, I'm really sorry but I have to go, could you take me home please." I ask as I play with the hem of Dante's shirt I slept in last night.

"Sure, just let me get ready quickly." I nodded as Dante headed into the bathroom.

Around 15 minutes later, Dante is now ready in a suit and we are heading to my house.

I thank Dante for the ride and head inside to my room to get ready. I brush my teeth and hair and put some makeup on and get dressed into my chosen outfit.

 I brush my teeth and hair and put some makeup on and get dressed into my chosen outfit

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Gia's outfit^

I'm so excited to babysit Leo again. I honestly love that kid, he's so smart and he's so fun to hang with. I couldn't think of a better job.

Since I don't have my car because it's in the garage for repairs I call a cab to take me to Ace's house. The ride there was surprisingly quite Ling because the cab driver was driving so slow. He must be new to driving or something.

Once we arrive, I thank the driver and pay him, giving him a large tip.

I head to the front door and knock.

Withing seconds the door opens and I'm faced with a man dressed in a suit.

"Um hi? I'm here to babysit Leo, Ace knows I'm here." I say nervous as hell.

"Oh yes, hello Miss Gia, Don is in his office and Leo is waiting for you in the kitchen. You need to make his breakfast." The man said as he led me to the kitchen.

I walked into the kitchen and I was met with a screaming Leo who was shouting at some other guard.

"Hey Leo." I said to get his attention. He suddenly stopped screaming and ran into my arms. He hugged me so tight.

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