21) the truth🔥

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♡Gia Romano♡

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♡Gia Romano♡

I don't know when I fell asleep, but I wake up on the bed in a spare room to the sound of someone screaming. I immediately think of Leo and I rush out the bedroom and quickly go to Leo's room to check on him. I open the door slightly and see Leo fast asleep in his bed with his teddy bear. I let out a sigh of relief knowing that Leo is safe in his bed. But before I reach Ace's bedroom, I hear the screaming again. I'm going to go and see who it is, they might need help.

I follow the sound to a hallway I've never noticed before, I head to the door and the end of it and slowly open it. As soon as I open it, I'm hit with the most disgusting smell ever, it makes me almost vomit. I head down the set of steps and see a hallway with steel doors, similar to the door of the room Alfie kept me in. I head the the end and slightly open the steel door. I know someone is in here because the screaming is much louder now.

But I instably regret opening that door. I see Ace shoot some guy that was really beat up. And as soon as I see the state of the guys face I scream. I scream so loud that it makes Ace snap his head to me and looks at me in shock.

Oh my God, Ace just shot someone, IN THE HEAD.

He just killed someone.

He's a murderer.

"Gia, wait. It's not what it looks like." Ace says as he walks towards me. I immediatly take a step back at each step he comes closer. Without thinking, I run back up the steps and back to the spare room. I lock the door and stand in the corner thinking about what I just witnessed.

Is he dangerous? Who was that man that he shot? Why did the guy look so familiar but also so unrecognizable? Will Ace ever hurt me like that? Why did he shoot him? What does Ace do?

I'm pulled out of my thoughts by the sound of footsteps coming near me. I look at the door and see Ace had picked the lock.

"S-stay away." I whisper as I slowly retreat into the corner. The look in his eyes when he murdered that man was horrible, he had no emotion.

"Gia, baby, let me explain." Ace pleads as he comes closer to me and gently holds my hands in his. I shake my head and look down as I feel tears start to surface. I don't want him to see that I'm scared right now, I'm terrified of him after seeing that, but I can't show him that.

But as always as soon as he wraps his arms around me I break down. He pulls me into a hug and I immediately start to sob. "W-why?" Is all I could say as I slowly pulled away and sat on the bed.

"I will tell you everything Gia. I'm a mafia boss. I'm the head of the most powerful mafia in the world." Ace says nonchalantly as he sits next to me and places a hand on my cheek, "but I promise you, I will never hurt you. Your important to me my love. And most importantly I could never do that to Leo." He continues.

My parents were right all along.

"Why did you kill that man?" I ask the question that been on my mind.

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