7) the ball 🔥

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♡Gia Romano♡

On the way to the ball, me and Dante talked about Leo and how much of a mischievous young boy he is.

"Oh my God! No way! My Leo would never do such a thing." I say shocked at what Dante just said.

"Yep, Leo and Luca poured cold water on me to wake me up, with ICE PIECES." I laughed.

I looked out the window and noticed Dante pulling into the drive of a massive mansion. It was more like a castle. Lights everywhere, it was so beautiful.

 Lights everywhere, it was so beautiful

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The mansion^

"Oh my God." I whispered to myself. This house was a lot bigger than mine and kind of reminded me of how big my parents house is.

"Beautiful, isn't it. Welcome to my house principessa." He chuckled as he got out of the car and opened my door.



"Yeah, it's amazing." He held my hand and led me inside to a huge ballroom. We walked past a lot of men in suits who bowed their heads at Dante, was he someone important?

He stopped as a Waiter came up to us. We both took a glass of wine.

"I hope I don't get in trouble for giving you that." Dante said as he slipped his free arm around my waist.

"It's not like you wouldn't let me drink it anyway." I giggled, I leaned towards his ear ad I whispered, "wine makes me do crazy things you know."

He froze, it was so funny that I started laughing.

"I... let me introduce you to my parents." He led me to a couple who looked a lot older than him. "Gia, this is my mother and father." He said as he hugged his parents.

"Hello Mr and Mrs Rossi, I'm Gia Romano." Their eyes widened when I mentioned my last name but they quickly composed themselves. I don't know why.

"Hello dear, please call me Maria and my husband Antonio. No need dto be so formal." She hugged me.

I nodded as they gave Dante a subtle look of disappointment. I looked down embarrassed. Was I really that ugly? Was my dress too revealing or too short?

I pushed all my insecure thoughts away as Dante took me to the dance floor. I wrapped my arms around his neck and he placed both of his on my waist.

"Sorry about my parents, they are a little weary of new people." He spoke up looking into my eyes.

"It's okay, no need to apologize I understand." I replied as we danced to the song.


After we danced to a few songs, Dante went to get us a refill on our wine and I waited for him.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I looked up at the person who spoke. I froze.

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