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♡Gia Romano♡

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♡Gia Romano♡

These past month have been amazing, Ace has been making sure I am healing well and me and Leo bonded through our live of marvel. I couldn't believe a four year old could live marvel as much as me. But it seems Luca showed Leo all the marvel films and his favorite character is iron man.

Ace has been busy with work recently and has been coming home really late. I'm planning on finding out today what's been going on, because I'm getting worried. He leaves the house in a suit then comes back in a new one. But apart from that, he's been making sure I'm safe and comfortable whilst I'm getting better. The doctor just left and said I'm now fully recovered but that some of the scars will stay permanently. I can't wait to tell Ace because he's been waiting for this news for 2 weeks.

"Gia! Let's make waffles!" Leo runs into the room with an apron on, he looks so cute.

"Sure Leo, are we making dome for your father too?" I ask as I carry him to the kitchen. Leo nods and I place him on the counter.

"Can we have strawberries with the waffles?"

"We can have whatever you like with the waffles Leo, as long as you don't have too much sugar." I say as I start making the waffle mixture. As I'm making the waffles, me and Leo talk about what we plan on doing today.

"Gia, can we play outside today? I want to show you daddy's pet dogs." Leo says as he takes a grape from the fruit bowl on the counter.

"Sure Leo, I never knew your father had dogs I've never seen them here." I question.

"That's because daddy cares a lot about his dogs and because they're so big daddy keeps them somewhere else sometimes." That's weird? Why would you keep your dogs somewhere else? But just before I could say anything else Ace walks in.

He looks so tired, his shirt is untucked and he doesn't have his suit jacket with him, his hair is messy and not gelled back like it was when he left. I look at him in shock but he ignores me, says hi to Leo then goes upstairs.

What's wrong with him?

"That's weird, daddy usually says hello to you before he goes upstairs to get dressed." Leo points out as I return to plating up the waffles.

"It's okay Leo, he's probably tired from work." I reason. Recently he's been leaving late at night and coming home in the morning. I wonder what's so important? Is there something wrong with his businesses?

I finish plating the waffles and add some berries on the side in each plate as Leo suggested and place the plates in front of our seats. I pour us all a glass of orange juice and place the glasses next to each plate. I hear a noise at the staircase and look to see Ace coming down the stairs in a pair of black sweatpants and black plain shirt.

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