10) the trip

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♡Gia Romano♡

The plane ride here was exhausting. I can't wait till I land. I've got about 5 minutes until the plane lands so I just take photos of the view on my phone.

The plane finally lands, so I head out and I go to the private driver my mom sent for me.

I give the driver my luggage and get in the back seat. I'm so scared to see my parents, my mom sounded angry when she called me and my mom never gets angry unless it's something really bad.

As soon as we arrive at my parents house, I get out of the car ad my driver goes to collect my luggage.

As soon as we arrive at my parents house, I get out of the car ad my driver goes to collect my luggage

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Gia's parents house^

I knock on the door and my little sister Isabella opens it.

"Gia!!" Isabella shouts as she jumps into my arms. I hold her tightly, refusing to let go.

"I've missed you Isabella."I say as I reluctantly set her down as I see my parents approaching.

My mom looks angry and my father looks like his usual emotionless self.

"Hey Gia, I hope your flight was okay." Mom says ad she pulls me in for a hug.

"It was fine, I'm just tired. Hey dad." I says as I head towards the stairs to my room, leaving him no room to reply.

Isabella runs after me, following me to my room. I see my luggage in the corner of the room so I sit on my bed.

"Gia, can we play dolls?" Isabella asks as she sits next to me on the bed.

"Isabella, your 10 years old. You shouldn't play with dolls anymore. you know, if dad found out he would be mad." I say as I lay on my bed and close my eyes.

"Okay fine, but can I lay with you? I've missed you Gia." Isabella says as she lays beside me.

I nod my head and before I know it, I've dozed off.


I wake up to the feeling of someone shaking me. I open my eyes and see Isabella shaking me awake.

"Gia, wake up! Mom and dad want to talk to you about something." She says as she sits up, now realizing that I'm awake.

I glance at the time on my phone and see that I've been asleep for an hour.

"Tell them I'm coming." I say lazily as I get up from my comfortable bed.

I head towards dad's office and enter.

"Hey, what did you both want to talk to me about?" I take a seat on one of the many chairs in his office.

"We don't appreciate you not telling us your boss is Ace." My father says as he looks at me disappointed.

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