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♤Ace Rossi♤

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♤Ace Rossi♤

I wake up at 6am, and look to my side and see my Gia still sleeping. I get out of bed slowly, not wanting to wake her and I place a small round plate with her medication and a glass of water on the nightstand for her.

It broke me so much when I found her in that room, even now, just looking at her makes me want to go on a killing spree. I want to kill every one of those bastards that laid a hand on her. I kiss her forehead as I place the blanket on her comfortably to make sure she's warm. I gently run my thumb over the cut on her cheek, how could someone hurt her like this. I'm going to make Alfie pay for hurting her.

I make sure she's still sleeping before I head downstairs to make her breakfast. I quickly put on my cream hoodie and sweatpants and I head downstairs to make her breakfast. I get out the ingredients I need to make her raspberry pancakes and a raspberry smoothie and I begin to make the food.

Gia always said to me that she loves raspberry pancakes, but she's only ever had then once and that was at a breakfast bar. So I'm going to make her the most amazing raspberry pancakes she's ever tasted. I'm going to make sure she doesn't thing about her time in that place ever again.

 I'm going to make sure she doesn't thing about her time in that place ever again

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♡Gia Romano♡

I wake up in a smooth bed that feels like clouds.


How did I get here?

I instantly sit up and look around the room. Fuck. My ribs hurt so much. I place a hand on my side but I feel a fabric there instead of my skin. I look down and see I'm dressed in a shirt and boxers, and my ribs have been bandaged.

Where am I and how did I get here?

I look around and the room seems familiar. Ace. I'm in Ace's room, thank god. I see a tablet on my nightstand and a glass of water, I take the tablet and drink the water to help it go down.

How did Ace find me though? The place where Alfie kept me is in a secluded area.

I look up at the sound of the door open,   I tense a little but relax when I see Ace walking in with a tray of food.

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