22) teach me?

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♤Ace Rossi♤

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♤Ace Rossi♤

I wake up to the feeling of someone trying to get up. "Stop moving baby, I'm trying to sleep." I whisper half asleep.

"I need to get Leo up Ace." I hear Gia say rather aggressively. I open my eyes to see her not even looking at me as she tries to get out of my hold.

"Baby, Leo is a 4 year old, let him rest. Look at me Gia." I say sternly as I turn her so she's facing me, "the only reason I didn't say it back is because I don't believe in that word." I explain.

"Then how do you feel about me?" Gia asks as she puts some distance between us.

"I have feelings that I can't describe for you. My feelings go so deep that I am nothing without you. I care so much for you that I would rather harm myself than harm you or let you be harmed." I say as I place a hand on her cheek.

"But to me, that's l-love." Gia replies as she touches the hand on her face.

I don't believe in love though, not since that woman left me and my son.

"Gia, that's impossible, I can't love anyone. And you certainly can't love me. I'm unlovable, I'm dangerous, I'm a killer Gia. I enjoy killing. You can't be in love with someone like that." I finalize as I get up and head to the bathroom.

"But I do love you." I hear her whisper right before I slam the bathroom door shut. Why doesn't she understand that she can't love me, I'm a killer. I don't deserve her love. I can't deny the strong feelings I have for her, but I could never love anyone; I don't know how.

I brush my teeth and have a shower and head straight to my closet. I wear my regular full black suit and head downstairs.

"I want to be a big brother Gia." I hear Leo say as I approach the main living room in my house. I decide to stay stood by the door because I want to hear what Gia would say about that.

"I'm not sure Leo, it's up to your father if he wants another child but I don't think he does." Gia says as I see her wipe a stray tear from her cheek.

I've really fucked up, I need to find a way to make it up to her. I walk into the room with loud footsteps to make my presence known. "Daddy! Can I have a sibling?" Leo asks as he immediatly runs towards me.

"Well son, It's not really up to just me, both me and Gia have to agree." I explain as I look at Gia with hope. I want her to know that I would love for her to be the mother of my children.

"You want kids?" Gia asks me in shock. I smile at her and place a hand on her cheek.

"Of course I want children with you baby, I have such strong feelings towards you I couldn't think of anyone better to have children with. I know you may be skeptical because of your past but I promise you, I would never hurt you or our future children." I place a gentle kiss on her lips as she looks at me with those beautiful eyes.

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