16) kidnapped

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A/n: mentions of rape and abuse, if you are uncomfortable please skip past those scenes.


♡Gia Romano♡

I open my eyes and feel pressure around my wrists, I look at my wrists.

What the fuck.

I'm in chains. I look around and see that I'm in a dark room, with a single bulb that is emitting hardly any light. There are no windows, only a large steel door.

I start to feel a thribbing pain in my head and realise the people who put me in here must've thrown me and I hit my head.

They didn't even have the audacity to put me in the tiny, rusty single bed in the corner. I was meant to go babysit Leo today, Leo is probably mad at me for not showing up.

I should've stayed with Ace last night.

The door starts to open and just as I though this couldn't get any worse, the man I thought I'd never see again is now standing in front of me.

"Mia Bella, I've missed you so much." Alfie says as he crouched down to my level and places a hand on my cheek. I flinch away from his touch, so he places both his hands on my cheeks and turns my face to face him.

"G-get away f-from me." I whisper as I begin to feel the fear I haven't felt for a year.

"Now, now, Gia is that some way to greet your fiancé." He flashes me an innocent smile.

"Your not my fiancé anymore. I ran away for a reason." I whisper, feeling nervous in front of him. "I have moved on. Y-you should do the s-same."

Suddenly, my cheek feels like is burning after Alfie just slapped me.

"You are mine Gia, not that prick Ace's! We will get married and have a family!" He screams in my face like a maniac. I get so scared that I move back but that only angers him more. "Don't move while I'm talking to you!" He shouts as he slaps me again.

I start to feel tears coming down my now sore cheeks. I forget how angry he could get.

"P-please, l-let me g-go. I will never see Ace again, just please, let me have my life back." I beg as I bring my knees to my chest and start to sob.

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