2) Job offer

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♡Gia Romano♡

We've just arrived at the mall and Emilia is literally dragging me everywhere, she's like an excited child and she's older than me.

"Come on slow coach, let's go shopping!!" Emilia shouted as she grabbed my hand and took me to a random store.

"So, I was thinking of getting some dresses, can you pick me some out. You have amazing taste in dresses Emi." I asked as I started walking towards the dresses.

"Sure, let's start with red, you look so good in that colour." She walked over to the red section as I followed behind.

"Here, this one's cute. It's summery, and i think it suits you." She handed me the dress and I walked over to the dressing rooms to try it on.

The dress ^

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The dress ^

After I have the dress on, I step out of the dressing room.

"How do I look?" I do a twirl so Emilia can see how it looks.

"Oh my God, my little sister is hottt." I swear she's always wants to embarrass me.

"Emi!" I whisper shout, so no one else in the store can hear me.

"Ok ok, sorry, but seriously though, if you do not buy it, I will buy it myself." She's right, I do look good in this dress.

"Yeah, I'm going to buy it." I say as I head back into the dressing room to put on my regular clothes.

I walk back out of the dressing room and I see my sister with five different dresses in her hand.

"These would also look super cute on you so we're going to buy them." She replies to my confused face as she takes the red summer dress from my hands and goes over to the cashier to pay.

I head out the store and spot a makeup store.
"Come on Emi, let's go to the makeup store, I need some new products." This time it's my turn to grab her hand and take her to the makeup store.

"Sure, I need to get a new lip gloss." She smiles as she walks with me.

As we enter the store, I feel like I'm in heaven. I love makeup, because it makes me look even more stunning than I already do, so I'm excited to say the least.

Emilia however, does not like makeup as much as me but she does wear it from time to time.

As I'm walking through the store, I spot the foundation area.

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