4) Ace

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                        ♤Ace Rossi♤

I'm on my way to my warehouse, and I can't stop thinking about Gia in those super short denim shorts she had on when I left the house.

She seems like someone who'd take good care of Leo so I hired her. I don't think she knows who I am either, because she wasn't scared of me when she saw me in the mall. And she didn't try to hurt Leo, although I think that's because she loves kids, as she said.

I already know my brother's are going to tease me about it when I get to the warehouse. Dante messaged me this morning asking if Leo's new babysitter was hot, he's honestly so annoying.

The drive to my warehouse was quick and I'm parking in my private spot.

I get out of and lock my car. I head inside and as I walk to my office the guards nod their head at me out of respect.

I sit at my desk and take a deep breath before going over some paperwork for new shipments coming in soon.

Suddenly my door swung open as Dante, Angelo and Luca barge into my office.
None of them have manners.

"Do none of you know how to fucking knock?" Anger evident in my voice.

"Sorry, Luca wanted to ask if Leo's babysitter is fit." Angelo says as he rolls his eyes at my words.

"What?! No! You and Dante said that!" Luca spoke before I could say anything.
And as usual within 5 minutes of being in the same room as eachother, they started arguing.

"SHUT UP!" They all immediately went quite. "One, do not touch my babysitter, she is mine. Two, don't ever come into my office and start fucking fighting like a bunch of 5 year Olds. Dante, you the fucking oldest, your older than me and I'm more fucking mature. Get the fuck out!" I'm sick of them arguing. No one will touch my Gia.


Great, now I'm in a bad mood. I'm heading to the cells where we keep the idiots who try to cross us because someone tried to steal my shipment.

I enter the cell and see a beat up guy tied to a chair. Well, at least I get to let off some steam.

I walk up to the man and punch him in the face to wake him up. It works.

He groans as he looks up at me.

"I'll get straight to the point, if you don't tell me who you work for, I will tear you apart." I walk up to the table and grab a small knife, but it's sharp as fuck.

"Go to hell." Oh really, he wants to be a brat. I walk back up to him and slice across both of his cheeks deeply. He screams as soon as the blade touched his skin.

Music to my ears.

"I'll ask again, nicely, who the fuck do you work for?" I can't wait to torture the fuck out of this guy. He doesn't say anything, he just spits in front of me.

He fucking spat at me.

"Fine, don't talk. Don't say I didn't warn you tho." I grab another knife, this one bigger, I stab his left thigh and he starts screaming. I don't wait for him to stop screaming when I twist the knife still in his thigh.

"Fine, fine I'll tell you just stop!" Wow, that didn't take much, he's weak.

"Talk!" I place the knife down and cross my arms across my chest.

"I work for the Romano mafia, boss sent me to steal your shipment so you can fall into chaos and he takes the number 1 spot.

I take out my gun and shoot him in the head.

The fucking Romano mafia. They have always been after my mafia because we are ranked number 1 in the world and they are number 2.

I walk up to my office and call Luca, he's the hacker of the family.

"Wassup big bro?" Luca says as he walks in. He's 20 so he's a little more relaxed because he's not been in the mafia world as long as the rest of us. He started getting more involved in the mafia when he was 18.

"Hey bro, I need you to find out everything you can about the head of the Romano mafia." I asked.

"Okay bro, it might take me a day though. He's got quite high security.

"Just get it done bro." He walks out my office and I'm going to start going through some more paperwork because I have a lot to do. And I want to see Leo.

After about 2 hours of doing paperwork, Angelo comes into my office.

"Seriously though brother, why did you hire someone new so quickly to babysit Leo?" Angelo questions as he gets comfy on one of the chairs across from my desk.

"She looked after Leo when I lost him at the mall, and didn't try to harm or take him. I don't think she knows who I am either, and I'd like to keep it that way because Leo likes her." I answered whilst I got comfortable.

"When do we get to meet her? Me, Dante and Luca are your brothers after all. It's only right that we meet the girl who's babysitting our only nephew." He does have a point.

"Okay, you can all come round tomorrow because I'm working at home in the office at home. So you'll all meet her then. But tell those two that Gia's off limits. She's my son's babysitter, I'd like to keep it professional with all of us." He just nodded in response and left my office.

I looked at the time and it was now 10pm. Wow, I wasn't meant to stay this late, I hope Gia is okay with Leo. I'll just pay her extra for today.

I head home and see Leo sleeping in Gia's lap on the couch, so I took him to his room and showed Gia where it is.

She looks so cute and innocent, I hope the bots don't startle her tomorrow.

I lead her to the door and we waved goodnight. I watched ad she left the driveway before I locked the front door and went to bed.


A/n: how'd you like Ace's POV. I quite liked it but I'd love to hear your feedback. Please comment what you thoughtof this chapter.

Shall I do more of Ace's POV?

~Angela Daves

1089 words

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