5) Problems

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                   ♡Gia Romano♡

I wake up early today, and I'm feeling more awake than usual, I get out of bed and jump in the shower.

I feel contempt as the warm water hits my face. I'm excited to babysit Leo today, that may have something to do with Ace but I'm going to keep things professional because I know my parents would disapprove of me being involved with my boss.

Once I've finished my shower, I brush my teeth and get dressed for the day. It was quite cold outside so I decided to wear a white sweater with a pair of black jeans and some black and while plain sneakers to match.

 It was quite cold outside so I decided to wear a white sweater with a pair of black jeans and some black and while plain sneakers to match

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Gia's outfit^

Now that I'm dressed, I grab my phone and keys, and head to Ace's.

When I arrive, I park in the driveway and lock my car and head to the front door. I knock and a handsome guy opens the door.

"Hello, you must be Gia, I'm Luca." He looks kinda like Ace accept his hair is more of a dark brown and he's 6 foot.

"Um hi, I'm here to babysit Leo." I say as he walks me to the living room.

There I see two more guys talking to Ace and Leo playing with some Lego blocks. Ace looks up as me and Luca walk in.

"Hey Gia, these are my brothers Luca, Dante, and Angelo." Ohhh that's why they all look similar.

"H-hey." Luca leads me to the couch and we both sit.

"I'll be working at home today so if you have any problems just come to my office. My brother's will be staying a while but if you get fed up of them, you can tell them to leave." Ace smiles at me as he speaks. I love his smile.

Ace heads to his office and his brothers start talking to me.

"I'm Dante, I'm 25 and I'm the oldest." Dante says as he comes and sits next to me.

"I'm Angelo and I'm 22." Angelo says as he stares me down.

"And as you know I'm Luca and I'm 20. I'm the youngest but the most good looking." I chuckle.

"Well I'm 19. And I started babysitting Leo yesterday." They all look at me and pay attention to every word I say. They must be protective of Leo.

"So Gia, tell us about yourself, do you have a boyfriend?" Dante asked as he put his arm around my shoulder.

"No actually, I um.. I don't." I answered as I looked down. This is so awkward

"Well then, do you want to go on a date?" Wow.

"U-um.. I'm sorry Dante but I'm not looking to date someone right now." I shifted uncomfortably in my seat.

"Well, when your ready just hit me up sweetheart." He winked at me.

"Do you have any siblings?" I looked at Luca as he spoke.

"Yeah I do, I've got an older sister, a younger sister, and a twin brother. My sister Emilia is 22 years old, my little sister Isabella is 10 years old and my twin brother Gio is my age." For some reason when I mentioned Gio's name, Luca's face changed into an expression I couldn't recognize.

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