Find her?

210 20 23

Virtuality revolved and reality swirled,
Let's take a look at the anime world!

Kai's POV

"To the World's Best Beyblading Team!!!!!! The Blade Breakers!!!!!" Tyson shouted on the top of his lungs, while holding the glass of his fruit juice up, for a toast.

I sighed again as I looked around the dining hall to see the blade breakers sitting around, chatting with each other happily about our victory. As the captain of the team, I am really proud of them. They all worked sincerely hard this time.

It's quite lively here and even though I wouldn't admit it, I do like it to be around them but right now, I'm feeling a strange uneasiness..

As if.. someone is calling me.. this wierd feeling kept rising until I began to feel suffocated.

I glanced at all of them and they were busy in the celebration so I quietly slipped out of my seat and went to the closest room.

I entered the balcony and the night sky was lit up with the bright moon and numerous stars.

I leaned forward on the balustrade, and closed my eyes as the cool breeze calmed a part of that uneasiness.

A strong aroma of caffeine hit me as I opened my eyes and took the coffee, without looking at the person.

I took a sip of the coffee as I asked "Why are you not with them?"

"I have been noticing that something's on your mind lately. You seemed a bit distracted." He said, taking a sip of his coffee.

I sighed, looking at the sky.


We get along quite well. From the whole team, he is quite a sensible person and I find his company to be the most bearable.

Indeed I'm distracted.. but I don't know the reason myself. I feel like someone's calling out to me.. but who..?

"I.. just need sometime to clear my mind." I told him unsure.

He smiled and nodded.

That's the reason he is bearable. He understands the another person and doesn't push anyone.

We were drinking our coffee in silence, talking about the championship once in a while. I was feeling better now.

"We should return to-" I was cut off by a sharp suffocating pain in my chest. The feeling was so heavy. It was getting harder to breathe..

What's exactly happening?

For a moment, my vision faded to nothingness and I could only see darkness until a spark of light appeared and soon, everything was too bright, that it was almost blinding.

Kai... You need to stop them... Or the world will be in chaos..

I'm waiting for you right here..

The voice was so melodious and calming.

My eyes shot open as I was panting hard.

"Kai! Are you alright? What's wrong?" I heard Ray's concerned voice but right then, a loud crashing sound was heard.

From the library!

I immediately stood up, only to stumble a bit on my feet but I soon recovered from that and rushed towards the library with Ray, close behind me.

I opened the door only to see a man dressed in a black suit and wearing a black hat. It was quite difficult to not notice his golden monocle. He was spinning his dragon ring with a blue stone with his right hand.

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