None of your business!

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Maira's POV

I can't believe I missed the class!! I glanced back at the trio as they were walking away and sighed.

I hope they'll be fine and manage to return to their world... I feel kinda bad thinking about it though..

They left. I should also get going.. I missed the bus and I don't want to miss another class so I started walking to the college, absent-mindedly.

I just couldn't take my mind off them. Everything that Dranzer told me was still repeating in my mind.

"Hey, where are you going?" I heard a female voice coming from behind, so I turned to the source and looked at the girl questioningly.

"Its almost time for the class and you're walking past the college. You didn't even attend the previous class. Is everything alright?" She asked.

Who is she? Do I know her?

After some trying, I recognised her from the statistics class.

I looked around and realised that I had already crossed the college gate.

"Everything's alright. I was just lost in some thoughts. Thanks for calling out to me." I said with a smile.

"No problem. Let's walk to the class together?" She asked and I just nodded with a smile.

While walking to the class, I glanced at her while she was using her phone to chat with someone.

Her black shoulder length hair bounce a bit as she walks while her green eyes are fixated on the phone screen.

I noticed that she has a habit to mumble what she types.

Soon enough, we reached the empty psychology lab. It's not like any chemistry lab or anything. The room is quite spacious and there's a big rectangular table at the centre of the room, which is surrounded by over 80 stools. There are cabinets standing by the left wall which have various apparatuses and devices for the practicals. At the farthest right corner, there's a small cabin where the lab assistant is doing her work. That's where all the questionaires are kept.

I put my bag on the table and sat at very first seat that is closest to the teacher's seat.

I'm not particularly a front bencher, it just depends on my mood and the subject. I missed my previous class so I would rather sit in the front and listen to the small comments that the teacher makes about the previous class, out of habit.

The girl sat on the seat that was parallel to me as I sat on the left side of the table and she chose the right side.

It was getting time for the class so the students started to enter the class one by one, complaining about college, discussing the shows they were watching, suggesting to go to the mall and skip the boring class and so on.

My phone buzzed with a notification and it was a message from the teacher on the class group.

The class will be delayed by 30 minutes due to some departmental work.

I let out a sigh and my mind again got lost in the thoughts about what Dranzer told me.

If Aradia is a bitbeast who can connect different worlds to each other, then it must have happened before too. So, if her wielder had used that power, then somewhere, someone might have witnessed the connection of the two worlds. He said that Aradia disappeared after that flash and to return... They need to find it right?

Maybe they can get some clue about its whereabouts if we can find any similar event in the past.

As I was wondering all this, I felt as if I saw Dranzer passing from the front window. I blinked a few times but this time, it was just clear sky. I must be imagining things.

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