Hey Deary!

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I took a deep breath and opened the diary. I flipped through the ink clad pages when my eyes caught a glimpse of a date written in calligraphy in mint green colour with small phoenix drawn on either side of the date.

This got my curiosity bubbling and I opened that page.

Hey Deary!

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Hey Deary!

I'm fantastic and superb! I am literally jumping all around the place out of elation!

My heart is fluttering with excitement and joy and I just can't contain it!

Tomorrow is the first day of my university and I am sooo pumped up about it!

My first day there! I'm gonna meet amazing people there and befriend them!

Oops- I would have loved to chatter more but I don't wanna get late. You know me right? I can't sleep a wink when I'm excited and I don't wanna look like a walking talking zombie sooo I would hit the bed and try to sleep!


A smile played on my lips as I read it. She indeed was a carefree and bubbly person, just the way I recall her. She must be around 18 at that time when she began writing this. I'm sure she would look so lively and beautiful with her grey locks and red eyes with her pale skin.

I skipped a couple of pages and spotted an unfamiliar name. Kuraim.

Who's Kuraim? Maybe her friend?

Intrigued to know more about this person, I began to read further.

10th April, 1996, Wednesday

Hey Deary!

You know, you know, you know!
I made a friend!!!

I'll tell you from the beginning.
Sooo, I was walking through the campus to get to the cafeteria. The class was soo boring and long and I was famished! Uh.. hehe I got a bit distracted.

So, when I was on my way, some laughter made its way through the crowd, to my ears.

I scanned through the bustling campus and spotted a boy in a blue hoodie walking as a group of students from the previous class laughed at him, while following him. I went closer only to discover that they were mocking him for his name.

"Kuraim? Hahaha.. your parents gave you a well suited name haha 'dark and gloomy' hahaha.." that's what a guy blurted out between laughs and I felt sooo angry on them!

How dare they mock someone like that?!

And you know my temper issues right? So I immediately approached them and shoved that guy to the ground. I know I went a bit overboard but I was blinded by anger!

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