Got a Secret?

293 24 20

Maira's POV

"I'm really very sorry, Kai." I apologized again but he still kept looking away and didn't respond.

"I thought.. that you will deny me to do it.." I uttered, my voice breaking due to the unsettling feeling that was having it's firm grip on my throat, making it hard to speak.

My vision blurred ever so slightly when he still didn't respond. I mess up everything. Just a few hours ago, it was going so perfectly.. and I ruined it..

"Stop frowning like a kid, I'm bored with how many times she has apologized already and it's not like what she's saying is anything wrong. You would have told her to stop trying to learn beyblading." Ryuga said with a stretch of his arms while sitting leisurely on the tree branch.

I blinked at him a few times, confused about the fact that he's supporting my reasons. I thought he found me annoying.

He glanced at me and jumped down from the branch, landing effortlessly on his feet as he said "I'm not siding with you, just it was amusing when that blade of yours went crashing in. The real fun was followed by it afterall."

I was still feeling heavy with guilt for hiding it from everyone and how Tyson and others just accepted it without demanding a single answer from me, it makes me feel even more ashamed of it..

"That doesn't fit the criteria of fun for most of the people, Ryuga." Free reminded him.

"That's what made it more interesting. Didn't you see their faces? Say whatever you want but it was amusing." Ryuga debated proudly as my mind drifted back to what happened a few hours ago.

Everything was going so perfectly. I and Kai were skating back to the main city to meet up with others at the cafe at the decided time and that's when I received a text from Sunshine, telling that we'll find her at the nearest seat beside the window, in a green dress.

Others were already waiting for us outside the cafe when we reached there. Setting our skates aside, we joined others while Ray opened the door for us.

Wha- green dress- seat beside window-

She even seemed to be waiting for someone. I withdrew myself from the doorframe with urgency when I saw the person waiting for us.

Tyson, Max, Hilary and Kenny were the first ones to enter while Kai and Free were moving to follow their lead inside as Ray held the door, being the gentleman he is.

"I'm not going to meet any Rainbow or Sunshine. I'll take a stroll around." Ryuga said, sounding as irritated as ever.

"Alright, we're inside if you need anything." Ray told him while he walked away ignoring whatever was said to him.

"Shall we go inside as well?" Ray asked me with his ever-kind smile while holding a hand out to me.

I looked between him and his hand hesitantly and finally voiced out with a pang of guilt "I'll join you guys in a while. Coming all the way got me a bit out of breath."

"Is anything wrong?" He asked, his voice lined with concern.

"No, everything's fine, just I'm a bit tired." I told him. He nodded and went inside.

I went to a nearby place from where I could see them but they couldn't spot me.

Of all the people, it never striked me that Sunshine is my-

An assassin- he's aiming at..

My eyes trailed to his aim only to find his target to be none other than her!!

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