Welcome to Reality

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Kai's POV

I looked at the person who was standing in front of me while staring at me.

I decided to ignore him and walk ahead but he spoke up "You are cosplaying Kai Hiwatari from that anime right?"

I raised my eyebrow and turned to him. What did he mean by 'from that anime'? I look like an anime character to him?

"There's someone I know, who would have loved to meet you." He said as he ran his hand through his hair.

What's he saying? This all is getting more and more weird.

"You won't believe but the girl has a whole collection of your sketches." He said chuckling.

I rolled my eyes and was about to tell him to get lost when I heard Ryuga saying "It's going away."

Not bothering with that guy anymore, I started to follow Ryuga and we ended up reaching outside the park. We looked around for any sign of Dranzer but we only saw people walking around.

After 20 minutes of walk, we reached a bus stop. The street was quite busy as some people were getting on the bus while the others were getting down. A number of people were waiting for their bus as most of them were using their phones to keep themselves occupied.

"There are so many people, I can't trace his aura here that well." Ryuga said looking irritated by the presence of so many people.

While looking through the crowd, I felt a tug on my hand gear and my eyes darted down to see a bracelet tangled with it. Before I could untangle it, the girl pulled her hand and walked away, as her chocolate brown curls flowed back with the wind, leaving the fragrance of fresh roses behind.

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"Are you even listening?!" I came back to my senses as Ryuga shouted in annoyance.

I gave them a questioning look as Free
asked "In which thoughts were you lost? We have been calling your name but you didn't respond."

I glanced down at the bracelet which was still tangled with my hand gear. I untangled it and held it up to get a better look at it.

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