People Pleaser

209 22 53

Kai's POV

A tired sigh escaped my lips as I glanced at Yu who was sleeping soundly at the couch, surrounded by a number of pillows.

In the end, it turned out to be Yu. This kid indeed got me worried there.

I shifted my gaze across the dim lit room until my eyes landed on her as she slid the balcony door close, ceasing the cold winds from entering the room. She definitely amazed me with how serenely she managed to explain Yu with that much patience.

It was ambiguous when she began the same topic that Ray talked about earlier. Maybe it's worth a try.

My eyes were subconsciously fixated on the front wall when the lights illuminated the dull room.

I was fascinated with the small and random things that she had painted on the wall. There were some lights that resembled candles and right above them, a beautiful phoenix was drawn, as if coming out of them.

She came and sat on the opposite couch on the other side of the table with a book and began to read it while I was flabbergasted by the creativity used in the decoration of the room.

In between I sensed her staring at me but I was too occupied in taking in the sight of the room that I neglected it.

I stole a quick glance at her and saw her engrossed in reading abnormal psychology.

"Maira!" came an angry male voice, startling us.

She immediately went pale as she immediately shut the book close and her eyes darted between the door and Yu, sleeping cozily on the couch. Her brows furrowed in tension and I'm sure I saw her hands trembling a tad bit until she got up to reach the door, blocking my view.

Stopping in her steps, she looked at me and parted her rosy lips to voice something out but stopped out of hesitation and again glanced at the door petrified.

I got up and placed the pillows in a way that Yu didn't appear from behind them and was about to go out to the balcony when I felt an arm tugging onto the sleeve of my hoodie.

I turned around confused as she had furrowed brows and a look of disbelief on her face.

"Where are you going?? It's peltering! You'll get sick! Just go and hide somewhere else!" She whispered to me with a hint of agitation.

The knocking got even more furious so without a second thought, I grabbed her hand and went to the door. I stood against the wall, near the door and gestured her to open it.

She opened it after quite a lot of hesitation as a man in his late forties, took a few steps inside the room. He glanced around, his body tensed with aggression when he finally turned to face her.

I was standing behind the door and she had her back facing me, which took away my provision to see her face but it let me have a good look at the man.

He glared at her before scowling at her "Why are you up this late?! What were you doing??"

"I wa-" he didn't let her even start explaining as he looked at her phone which was placed at the side table beside her bed.

"Again using your phone, weren't you?! I'm gonna break that thing if I saw you using it! Go to sleep!!" He said brusquely.

The phone? How come he assume that? She hadn't even touched it ever since we got here. She was studying.

"Yeah, I was just.. going to sleep.." she replied in a hushed low voice, her head bowed.

"You better do that!" Saying this, he closed the door with a loud thud.

I looked at her as she stood there still, her hands clenched tightly.

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