Need a Friend?

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"Hey, doesn't he look like Yu Tendo?" A boy exclaimed as he started making his video in his phone.

We need to get him down here. He is attracting too much attention!

"Ryuga." I said and he turned to me frustrated "What do you want? Can't you see I'm a bit occupied here?"

I rolled my eyes at his irritation "I was thinking of going to him while you keep an eye on him but sure, I won't disturb you, Mr busy person."

For a moment, his anger wavered and he gave me a surprised look "You.. would?"

I gave him a hopeless smile and nodded.

These people just can't trust anyone easily.

Just when I thought that maybe, just maybe he can act like a normal person, he returned to his normal self as he gave me a suspicious look asking "Why would you?"

I facepalmed and uttered while rolling my eyes "Because I would rather have that cutie's company than your cold presence!"

"That's a private company. You can't just go anywhere in it as you please." Kai said from behind.

"That's my problem. You just keep an eye on him." I said as I entered the building with a deep breath, calming my nerves.

"Ma'am, what are you doing here today?" The lady at the reception questioned as soon as I entered the building.

I gave her a smile and replied "My next class got cancelled so I thought to come and visit father. Is he busy with meetings?" I asked the last part, hoping that he would be busy.

"That's very nice to have you here but yes, he has a very tight schedule today and he's in a meeting right now." She informed me apologetically.

That's great! If he had been free today, then I would have been in trouble. I can't bear another introduction with his clients..

"It's alright, I'll just take a look around and leave. But, don't tell father that I came, or he will feel bad that he couldn't spare me time." I lied and she nodded with an understanding smile.

Why would he feel bad about not being able to spare me time? If anything, he would give me some perfect examples.. that how should I be.. and that.. how I should keep improving since this is not enough.... Nothing is ever enough for him...

I immediately went to the lift and reached the terrace. Yu was still there, standing on the edge, talking to the people who had gathered to watch him.

I better not startle him though, he's standing at the edge!

That's when he turned around, tilting his head to the right in slight confusion but his eyes still shone with excitement as he waved at me "Heyy."

Wow, he's sharp.

"Hey Yu." I smiled at him.

"Wow! You know me? Who are you?" He asked amazed.

"Offcourse I know you. I'm Maira. If you come down from there, then I'll take you to Ryuga and his friends." I said softly with a welcoming smile.

"Really?" He questioned and immediately jumped down and rushed to me "You know them? Isn't Ryuga just awesome?!"

I chuckled at his excitement "Yeah, I know them and he sure is awesome. So shall we go?"

"Yayy! Let's go!" He exclaimed and we were on our way to exit the building when I saw father coming out of the conference room with his clients.

I immediately hid behind the wall with Yu as he asked in confusion "Do you know him? Is he a bad person? I can deal with him with my Libra if that's the case!"

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