My ocean of bliss!

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With slight disbelief, I proceeded to read further, hoping that my assumption might be wrong.

27th June, 1996, Tuesday

Hey Deary!

Didn't I tell you that my Sunshine is the best! She's just awesome! She's perfect even with her flaws! I am soo glad to have her as my bestie!

You know, firstly, she's sooo pretty with her brown hair and eyes!

Secondly, she's really very smart as well! We found ARADIA!!!! Just at one of the places which she had shortlisted!!!

I would have loved to tell you about that place and trust me, that secret is screaming and pleading to be released!! But- My Sunshine has strictly denied me to share it with 'anyone' and even you. Soo can't tell you. Afterall, vulnerability is high, when sense of secrecy is concerned in terms of diary writing.

She suspects that if Aradia is this powerful, then there might be people behind her. She didn't even let Susumu and Kuraim join us in the search for Aradia. But she's being sensible here. If they would know, then it'll be troublesome for them.

Kuraim was really persistent to join us but Sunshine is quite strict when it comes to sensibility.

Oh and a fun fact, I randomly picked a nickname that suits her personality since she's calm and her presence holds a comfortable warmth. She can easily make you feel better.
But the fact starts here, you know, even the meaning of her name is 'sunshine'!!

I'm really happy that everything's falling back in its place but... I don't wanna leave my Sunshine.. I feel sad about losing contact with her..

Aradia is still a bit weak and I still don't know how to control her this power so it's gonna take some time and for that I need to train hard.

It would have been helpful if Susumu and Kuraim had their beyblades with them but from the last battle they had with each other in our world, their beys were badly damaged. Concordantly, they were at Susumu's house so that he could fix them, that's when we were teleported here.

I wish to write some more, but from tomorrow, I need to start training for controlling Aradia's powers.


Relief washed over me over the fact that even Kuraim doesn't know about Aradia's whereabouts.

The days in between only recorded her training and some more things about 'Sunshine', her likes and dislikes and some other things.

5th July, 1996, Friday

Hey Deary!

Today, we returned to our world.. I feel sad that I can't see my Sunshine anymore..

She said that if I train hard and get complete control over her powers, then I can connect worlds again and visit her whenever I want. I'm gonna give it my all to gain control!

She even gave me a pretty friendship locket! I'll cherish it forever!

I wish to meet her soon again and reminisce the memories that we made.

You know, Kuraim has said that he want to tell me something important. I wonder what it is. He knows full well that I can't be at ease when there's a suspense sitting over my head, bugging me!

I would rather sleep now so the night will pass away soon!


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