For Cupid's sake! She's a ghost!!

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Maira's POV

"Stranzyyyy!!!!" I squealed electrified as I entered the room where Stranzer was sleeping cozily on a pillow.

I looked at the mini phoenix sleeping soundly but that crazy smile was still stuck on my lips. Letting him have his rest, I glanced around the room and even though it was the same room that I've seen over a thousand times, it appeared new.

Everything felt soo beautiful, admirable, mesmerizing and joyful. That smile was still on my face, reluctant to let my lips return downwards.

Forget the concept of cloud nine, the feeling I'm experiencing right now is lightyears ahead of it! I just can't sleep now!! Not when he asked me to go out with him!!

"Go to sleep, Maira or do you want to be on the zombie mode on your first date with Kai just because you didn't sleep?" Stranzer groaned in his sleep.

"No way!! I can't be sleepy on our first da- wait!! That's not a date!!" I told him flustered.

I can't believe I was just about to say that- it's too embarrassing!!

"Whatever you say. I won't murder my precious beauty sleep to debate with you. Good night." with this said, he slipped beneath the pillow as his faint light passed through it, letting me know about the place where he was sleeping, in the dark room.

Beauty sleep? He's a bitbeast!!

I think he acts like a girl more than I do.

I settled on my bed but the adrenaline rush was just too much to let me sleep. No matter how hard I tried, that smile was still keeping my lips curled up adamantly, while the thoughts and excitement about tomorrow kept me hostage in my fantasies.

Different scenarios about tomorrow began to cloud up my mind, numerous conversations that can be initiated, the various possible responses and everything was too much that I just couldn't rest my mind and sleep.

Maybe I should listen to some songs.

Shifting to my side, I took my phone and shuffled my extremely messed up playlist while I put on my headphones and instantly regretted the fact that why do I have soo many AMVs of Kai??!

Forget about songs, they won't do a thing other than making me more flustered than I already am!

Getting up, I grabbed my bag and took out a book to read.

I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room lazily as Stranzer was in front of mirror, checking on his appearance with satisfaction. My book was on the nearby pillow.

So I fell asleep while reading.

I checked the time and went to get ready.

I wore a plain blue dress with my hair down until Stranzer came with an astounded expression.

"What is this??!" He exclaimed with an exaggerated expression.

What's he talking about? He's... looking at my dress?

"What do you mean by that? We're going to college and afterwards, Kai has asked to join him right?" I said confused.

"You're going to meet him in that dress?!" He said in a disgusted manner.

Does it look that bad? I have always been doubting my sense of fashion but is it that much of a disaster?

"It's a date for cupid's sake! You are not wearing it! You wore it on the third day when you met him! How can you repeat a dress and that too on your first date, when you have that wardrobe flooding with dresses?!" He rebuked me, flapping his wings swiftly in the process, showcasing his annoyance.

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