Cold Night and Warm Hug

202 18 14

Maira's POV

Just out of nowhere, someone barged into my room and even KAI appeared! Thank goodness the lights ain't on!

I mean, the moment he entered the room, my heart beat paced up and heat rose up to my face when I realised that it's Kai. For some reason, I felt a strange tingling sensation at the thought that he came to help.

But all the elation and delightment was there until he was silent, the moment he parted his lips and let his rude words out which were dressed in arrogance, it cruelly murdered my happiness!

For some reason, I just couldn't help but talk back to him. I usually don't like talking back to anyone, considering the fact that it will hurt them but for some reasons, I just don't think before expressing my point to him. I subconsciously ends up saying whatever is on my mind to him.

Maybe it's because he says what comes in his mind without any improvisation or filter and that's why I can do the same around him?

We were literally keeping the person on waiting by continuing our mindless ranting until Dranzer broke in between.

What did he mean by brightening up things in his life though?

We diverted our attention in the direction of the person and saw Dranzer clashing with another beyblade. That person suddenly rushed towards me and before I could move, he..... hugged me?

What's going on? Who's this?

"Who..... are you?" I managed to utter despite the confusion.

"Mimi! You forgot me?" came Yu's hurt voice. As if on a cue, Dranzer glowed brighter, giving us a better view at the surroundings and the person.

"Yu?!" my words were evident of the utter astonishment that I was experiencing "What are you doing here?? How did you come here in the first place??"

"I came to meet you! I was missing you!" He chimed with a sweet smile "I reached here with the help of the address that you gave Hilary the other day."

I knelt down to his level and ruffled his hairs lightly as he let out a soft chuckle.

"I missed you too but you shouldn't have come here like this. It can be dangerous. Did you tell anyone about coming here?" I enquired him in a soft low voice.

He flashed a guilty smile while rubbing the back of his head as he shook his head in response.

I sighed "You should have told Hilary. She would have informed me and I would have come to meet you instead."

"But the phones ain't working right?" He pointed out.

"Yeah but she's using the phone that I lent her for emergency so that she can use it, in case she needs to contact me." I explained to him. That's how she invited me that day at cafe afterall.

All this time, we both poor souls were unaware of the pair of two devilish crimson eyes glaring at us.

"You have got some nerves kid." He muttered barely above a whisper which basically gave us shivers.

Why does it feel like we're gonna get slaughtered? No, Yu is a kid and he's so cute, I'm sure he would let him off the hook this time but that means that I'm gonna be the victim of Kai's wrath!

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