Cold Jerk and his Tantrums

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Maira's POV

As the sunrays peeked through my curtains, I pulled my sheets to cover my face and shut the world away-

Panic creeped over me as I felt something moving beside me. My eyes shot open as I almost fell down from the bed in an attempt to get away from whatever it is.

"Ouch-" escaped from my lips as I hit the floor and that's when my blanket began to float in air.

Huh? Am I dreaming?

I pinched myself for a reality check and it's real? It began to move towards me and I moved backward.

"Why is everything dark?" Came a meek voice and I blinked a few times followed by a facepalm.

I still need to get used to the fact that now I have a bitbeast!

I chuckled while getting up and went to pick up the blanket from him while he was moving around frantically, mumbling about getting blind in such a young age.

I fell back on the bed laughing as I heard that. He must be atleast some hundred years old yet he has the nerves to call himself young. He's really adorable.

"Why are you laughing?" He asked innocently, as his tail moved leisurely in the air while he was floating right in front of me.

"Because you are soo cute!" I told him and he gave me a confused look.

"But really, I never expected a bitbeast to sleep on bed." I stated laughing.

"That was because of you! You were talking to me till late and I fell asleep!" He yelled at me embarrassed.

"That's because I didn't want a depressed bitbeast. That's the reason, I delayed my precious sleep to distract you!" I rebuked him back, curious about his respond.

He looked at me for a moment and then spoke up "Sorry about that... I won't do it again.. you should sleep some more.."

His reaction was too adorable!! How innocent he is! Feeling guilty when I was merely messing with him!

I was trying my hardest to not burst into laughter but failed miserably as I glanced at the guilt ridden cute creature before me.

"Goshh! You are soo cute, Stranzy!! You are not even at fault here silly! I was just kidding!" I told him as I pulled him into a tight hug.

"You are soo bad!! I'll leave you right now!" He glared at me cutely.

Turning my dramatic mode on, even I replied him with a sad and regretful tone "Sure. You should go. I don't deserve you."

I glanced at him from the corner of my eyes as he panicked "Sorry sorry sorry! I was joking!"

I looked at him with a sad expression as I said in a remorseful tone "Even I was joking Stranzy."

"Huh?" He blinked his eyes a couple of times in confusion as he processed it and began to again scold me in a complaining manner "This is not done!! You drown me in guilt and regret every single time!!"

"Sorry sorry but you are just soo cute and innocent sometimes that I just can't help it." I said while laughing.

Getting ready, when I was going to college, trying to avoid any unnecessary conversation, mother called out to me "Don't mind what he said. Try to understand him a bit. He was just concerned about you."

I know.. I have heard it hundreds of times..

"Will try." I said, trying to flash a smile but don't know if it even appeared or not "But his concern hurts.." not wanting to continue it further I left mumbling "I'll get late."

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