Stubborn Ice King

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Kai's POV

"Kai, that was not very nice of you to talk to her like that." I rolled my eyes as I heard Ray saying that in a bit offended manner, when he entered the balcony. This is something unusual.

"If that's all you want to talk about, you should probably leave, Ray." I told him, keeping my gaze at the night city which was clad in bright lights.

"Kai, she's trying to help us." He uttered persistently "If there's anything on your mind, then you know that you can say it."

I let out a sigh and turned to look at him "I hope that you are aware of the fact that it's not only about finding Aradia and returning. That man is also involved in this and we don't know what he is capable of."

I read his face as he nodded tentatively, so once when I was sure that he's getting my cue, I continued "Then do you think that in this chaotic situation, it's fine for someone like her to get involved? We have our bitbeasts with us and we have been dealing with such people ever since this team came into existence. But can you say the same for her?"

He appeared to be in deep thoughts. His gaze fixated downwards when he nodded and spoke up as sadness lined his voice "You're right.."

He looked at me and with an understanding smile, he uttered "You are really good at heart and you care for others but you never show it."

Where do they find such embarrassing things to say?

"I don't care for anyone, just it'll be troublesome to watch over her if she gets involved in this and ends up getting into trouble." I replied and he shook his head lightly with a smile but I ignored it.

"Kai, I have invited Maira at cafe tomorrow, so you and your friend better not say anything." Hilary said warningly while glaring at Ryuga, as we returned inside.

I rolled my eyes and went to my room mumbling "Whatever."

If I know Ray well, then he'll talk to her about it in his own way.

I laid down on the bed, staring at the ceiling and reached into my pocket.

I took out Dranzer from my pocket, turned on my left side and brought it in front of my face while clutching it softly in my right hand.

My gaze landed on a silver bracelet dangling on its attack ring. The blue stones on it sparkled under the light.

I untangled it from Dranzer and again turned back, as now, I was facing the ceiling again.

I held the bracelet up in my hand, in front of my face while looking at it intently. The faint sweet fragrance of rose spread in the air.

It's said that the smells trigger memories associated to them and as if to prove the fact true, her long brown hair flowing with the wind and her curly locks falling on her cheeks, with that cheerful smile on her rosy lips and dreamy look in her brown eyes were the only things I could think of.

Kai, you are smiling.

Huh? No, I'm not.

I told Dranzer, feeling embarrassed over the fact that a small smile was on my lips.

Fine, don't admit.

I didn't know what to say so I thought to ignore him.

I forgot to return it to her.

Afterall you were busy in arguing with her.

Shut up, Dranzer!

I rebuked him, feeling irritated by his interference.

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