Heavy Expectations

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The person soon came to stand in front of me with a kind smile which was painted in fading hues of sadness.

I flashed a smile, keeping in mind to make sure that it did reach my eyes. He furrowed his brows slightly as he took my expressions in but not successfully finding what he had assumed.

So, instead I guess he decided to spoke up "Don't mind what Kai said there. You might know how he is."

I let out a chuckle and said "Don't worry about that, Ray. I didn't expect the Ice King to emit warmth in the first or second meeting. I would have doubted the reality if he had talked properly."

The tension, that was ever so slightly visible in his smile, disappeared soon and he let out a light hearty laugh.

"Tension and worry doesn't suits you, you know." I said with a grin and he shook his head lightly with a smile.

"And here I came to check on you and improve your mood a bit." Ray quoted "But it totally happened the other way around."

I shrugged with a grin. "What's there to check on me? I'm always in a great mood!" I stated.

"Let me walk you to your home." He offered and I started "But there's really no nee-" but he cut me off saying "Please, it's the least I can do."

Indeed, he is the best company a person can have, relaxing and comfortable. But... still, I would have liked it if Kai had come.. 

I held my hands up in submission as I tilted my head slightly to the right, saying "Okay, I give up. Just don't feel lonely while returning."

Ray laughed lightly and I chuckled too as we began to walk in the quiet alleys while the cool breeze felt soothing under the sky.

I glanced at the sky as a few stars were twinkling.

"But really.." Ray started and I looked at him "Based on how there are no bitbeasts or any such things in this world, I am still surprised with the fact that how easily you believed and connected everything so efficiently. We were in disbelief that we were teleported into a different world but you are quick to adapt."

I mentally sweat dropped.

Now.. what do I tell you Ray? You would definitely think that I'm insane if I tell you that this is the very scenario that I've been dreaming of, since sooo many years! So offcourse I would believe it!!

Talking like that, we were soon standing in front of my home, so bidding him a goodbye, I quietly sneaked inside and reached my room.

After completing the college work, I finally sat down to read a novel.

I hardly read two pages when the door opened and father walked inside, startling me as I attempted to close the novel and put it aside without him noticing.

Did he see the novel??

Unsure, I just chose to wait for him to speak up.

He glanced at the pillow under which I had kept the novel.

He saw it...

He sighed and began "Again reading novel?"

He sat down on the bed and I straightened up to nervously mimick his posture.

"Just thought to read it to lighten my mood." I said, knowing full well what reply I'm getting next.

"It's good to read but you already chose the stream as per your wish right? And you still have to take over the business after me. That stream won't help you with it but I still supported you and let you choose it. That's why, you need to work even harder to balance both. If you have free time, try to gain knowledge that will be helpful to you in managing the company." He said and as always, that lump in my throat just formed out of nowhere, making me unable to utter anything.

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