Love demands reasons!

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Maira's POV

People pleaser? Am I? I was merely helping others out with what they asked me to do.. Should I not have..?

He said it's annoying.. and left..

I regained my composure and inhaled deeply before head back to the class. The day passed in a haze since I was too busy to notice my surroundings.

Right after the classes, I had two practicals and when I was finally done with the department work, a girl I recognised from the arts department asked me to help her with the sketch.

I met her on a random day and she shared with me that how she doesn't like sketching and when I admitted that I have a passion for sketching, she began to often ask my help with the practical works.

When I finally wrapped things up there and left, it was already time to meet Tsubasa so I headed straight to the forest.

After training, my curiosity got the best of me and I decided to ask Tsubasa, what's been on my mind since quite some time now. Though, I was hella nervous while doing that.

"Umm Tsubasa.. can I ask you something?" I questioned while fidgeting with my fingers.

He looked at me, fixing his attention on me as he said "Sure, what is it?"

"Like, no need to answer if you don't want to or if you find it intruding your privacy. It's just my curiosity that I couldn't store so I considered asking you." I wanted to make it clear though I believe I spoke up too much and annoyed him.

But to my surprise, he let out a hearty chuckle saying "You can ask away what you want to."

For some reason, heat rose up to my face. I mean, with Kai merely being in front of me sure makes me blush naturally but why does all of the people I'm meeting have to be nice to me that it makes me flustered time to time??! And the one I want to be a bit calm is annoyed with me..

"Umm... How did you end up in this world and nobody knows about you?" I finally asked the question that's been threatening my precious sleep at night since the day I met him. 

I elevated my gaze to look at him as he had a thoughtful look on his face and his eyes were set on me.

I separated my lips to tell him that he doesn't have to answer it, but then the sides of his lips curled up, forming a serene smile while his eyes were as calm as ever too.

"You were nervous to ask just that?" He said amused, causing the heat to rise up more, as I stood there embarrassed while he continued "Basically, I saw Yu sneaking away and figured out that he was tailing Ryuga. To keep an eye on him and to make sure that he doesn't attracts any trouble, I went behind him too."

"When we were in front of that mansion, I thought to get Yu and return but that's when those intruders attacked, occupying us with the battle. Then we all were teleported here. I have been keeping an eye on Yu and that day, I would have to stop Yu on the top of that building if you hadn't stepped in." He finished explaining.

"By the way, I appreciate how you didn't mention me in front of Free." He expressed his gratitude "Now you should get going. Free should be waiting."

Nodding with a smile as a response, I bid him farewell and went to Free. He told me about different launches, each focusing on different factor. Stamina, attack, defence, balance!

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