Me? Birdie? I'm the Fire!!

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Kai's POV

I was well aware of Ryuga and his strange infatuation with making a fool out of others but seeing him making others dress in girls' outfits for amusement was beyond my imagination.

But I had little to no time to spare to him or his foolery, so I decided to ignore his existence and hurried to meet Sunshine.




"Just shut up or I'll forget the fact that you are my bitbeast's twin!" I snapped at the phoenix spirit which was following me while sulking.

"Please, I won't say another word, just tell her mother to let her continue beyblading!" He pleaded. 

"That's none of my concern." I responded curtly.

"Please! Didn't she help you so far?? How can you be so cold hearted??!" Stranzer yelled desperately again and my annoyance rose.

"I'm not-" before I could complete my sentence, I heard a girl's voice interrupting me from the nearby alleyway saying, "You shouldn't put your hopes on someone as ungrateful as him, birdie."

My feet stopped in their way as I turned to my right to glare at the person. The girl was wearing a hoodie which was hiding and casting shadows on her face.

"Me? Birdie? I'm a bitbeast!" I heard the phoenix mumble in confusion but decided to ignore him.

"So, that's the world famous death glare of the great Kai Hiwatari, huh?" She said in a mocking tone.

How does she know me?

"Who are you?" I narrowed my eyes at her.

She let out an amused laugh as she said "That doesn't matter but I must say, you're as heartless as I had heard. It's almost humorous."

"Ah, don't get offended, I swear its a good thing to be heartless, I mean, it would have been a bother if you would get affected by that girl being in danger and get distracted right?" She chuckled.

"Hey, listen to me. I'm not birdie!" Stranzer spoke up again to be neglected this time as well. 

Danger? She doesn't mean anything by that, does she?

"Don't appear so worried. She isn't in danger... yet. But I think it's a potential option." She muttered with a smirk.

"I have nothing to do with her. If it's a conversation about her, you have approached the wrong person." I replied indifferently. 

Right. She's unrelated to us now.

"Its funny how naive you are to think that she won't be in danger if you are not connected to her anymore. It's her mother, Sunshine, that's the cause." She mused.

..right. She was already in danger if I consider that fact. It was never about us.

Before I could say or ask her anything, she was gone within the blink of an eye.

"Guys, I'm not a birdie. Why don't you listen to me?" I heard Stranzer mumbling disheartened.

"Just shut up! Learn to read the situation, you idiotic bitbeast." I rebuked him annoyed.

I attempted to look around but she was nowhere to be seen and I couldn't spend another second or I would have been late for meeting Sunshine.

As I reached there, she didn't waste a second and handed me a folded paper before concluding, "Now, there is no other thing that gives you any reason to interact with Maira again. I hope I can trust you on that."

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