Blinded By The Light

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The doctors are taking the bandages and eye protections off today and checking Anastasia's eyes today, she is hoping it worked. They told her it could several ways, one of them is being totally blind, for ten days she has been basically blind with the bandages on her eyes. We are hoping she sees light of some kind, they have the lighting down low so the light won't bother her eyes at this point. They are using pen lights to check the eye reactions.

At first I can't get my eyes to open, but I need to and the dr is insisting that I do it on my own. After three minutes I see blurs and then a light and an actually finger as I am told to follow it, I try but my eyes hurt from the movement. The dr says it is normal for the muscles to hurt and soon they won't hurt and I will move my eyes normally. They do a few more tests and place the eye protectors over both eyes and remind me not to scratch around the area. I follow all their instructions and they have me reading in three days. The ointment they put in my eyes is bothersome, but I hold my eyes open so it can be put in it. Finally I am released and we head home with all the medications for my eyes and instructions along with an appointment to see the dr in a week and then two weeks. The next appointment is a month later and he releases me from his care and says follow up in two months with my regular ophthalmologist.

My ophthalmologist says everything is great now and to be sure to wear sunglasses and watch for bright lights or orbs in my eyes. He wants me to see him if either happens for no reason, dad is thrilled and so am I. Now I can finish my degree. I just need to take care not to overwork my eyes.

We haven't seen Ana for a while, but I guess mom and dad have but they haven't discussed anything with us about what is going on with her. I know dad has represented them in a case recently. Christian and I have been running in that park and have met a few young ladies. Some knew who we were others had no idea because they don't pay attention to newspapers or magazines and don't watch the news. They stay busy doing things to improve their health and others health. I met Gia who knew exactly who we were and we hit it off and I discovered she did house dashing and furnishings for high end clients. So she gave me her cards in case we got a call for her services. So I called her and not for just her services alone. Christian went to dinner with someone who he met at a coffee shop. It didn't last long.

I can't believe my luck, I sat at a corner table with my back to the wall and Jason sat at the next table. A young woman invited herself to sit down in the chair across from me. At first I was annoyed until I looked up and saw her face and then her well formed breast and form fitting outfit. I didn't realize I was staring until she pointed it out. Jason looked a bit worried. I think if  I have condoms in the car or not. Then I realize it's mandatory they are stocked up just in case. Well this was one of those just in case situations. I don't know who she is, but I would love exploring her body at least once. So I invite her to dinner and she accepts. I have Jason hand her an NDA and have her give him her name and address and tell her the time we will pick her up.

Leila Williams
I have been seeing Christian Grey for weeks now and I decide to sit across from him at the corner table he always sits at. I wore my best for fitting outfit that accentuates my best feature my breast and they are definitely having a great day. They almost fall out as I sat down. At first I thought he was going to make me get up, or his body guard was. But we chatted and he invited me out, but before that could happen I had to read and sign a NDA. I took it and the pen and read it and got the gist of it and I signed a copy too, for my records. I slipped the copy between my breast and gave his guy my name and address. Christian told me what time he would pick him up. He tells me to dress for an upscale restaurant and leaves.

I start seeing everything in high definition and colors. My doctor has prescribed me some prescription sunglasses and reading glasses as well. We were hand3d them just before we left the hospital. I asked dad why all the security and he told Carla sent someone to kill me after my surgery. Luckily he was sleeping in the bed next to me and behind the curtain so they didn't realize he was there. They are behind bars, but they are probably already out of jail. They said they were visiting a friend and got the wrong room. There was a patient by that name, but he died that morning so he couldn't confirm their friendships.

I dress up and allow a decent amount cleavage shown and the dress has the right amount of leg showing as I walk to the table. Once I sit it is obvious that the dress is easy access in case he wants it, both front and back. The straps can come down easily and I have no bra on under the top. I think we both know how this night will end and I am ready. I had everything shaved, waxed and whatever beauty regiments I could in preparation for meeting Christian.

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