Midnight And Four Cries

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I felt warm wet fluid and I tried to wake Anastasia up, but nothing was working. I called Gail and security and the EMTs after turning the light on, I lifted the covers and bloody fluids were on the bed and I hear a cry. It isn't Anastasia crying. I lift her gown and see a small head between her legs and I hurry to move the baby to a safer position and he slides down and Gail arrives and grabs a towel and wash cloths and washes him off and Jason is getting something to tie the cord off so it could be cut. Gail is cleaning the baby's nose and mouth and he starts screaming loudly. Anastasia is still not waking and Another little head slides out and soon his body follows, the EMTs arrive and mom and dad arrive and mom sends him out to get more towels. Two boys are here and still no movement from Anastasia. The EMTs are saying there are more babies and they check Anastasia and she alive just not responding. They put a blood pressure cuff on her and start IV solutions. A third boy arrives and I am trying to get Anastasia to wake up. They have the babies wrapped in that foil like wraps and mom has called for two neonatal ambulances. Then number four arrives and he is a boy as well. They think they have all the babies. So they deliver the afterbirth's and then they change Anastasia and clean her up as the boys are taken by the neonatal teams and Security are hot on the heels. Mom has left with them and dad went with the other neonatal van. Anastasia is finally responding to whatever the EMTs gave her. I tell Gail to just throw all the bedding away including the mattress and order the exact one to replace it. Jason is driving all the security he has called in to watch over the boys and my wife and myself. My parents security are with them both. I call Ray and Robert and tell them about the babies. I call Mia and she calls Elliott and Kate. She asks me if I said four boys? I tell her yes four boys and in less than an hour.

Dr Olivia Turner OB/GYN Multiple births specialist.
We were caught off guard on this patient her blood tests were not stable for some odd reason, so we tried to do a sonogram and something clouded the views and we couldn't figure out what was going on. We heard strange sounds from the exams and couldn't figure it out. I was called in and there are four babies that are ricing from a high risk pregnancy. Anastasia Grey the enigma that we couldn't get a handle on things. We thought it was just the equipment and then the testing was tainted. The neonatal teams arrive and they run to the NICU and weigh the Grey boys and do all the testing. A team if security is waiting and watching as the boys are labeled Grey A, Grey B, Grey C and Grey D. I see Grace walk inside and ask the doctor a few questions and she comes back out as all the boys cry like they didn't want her to leave them. I go find my actual patient and apparently she was fully unconscious during the births of these tiny boys. All were under four pounds. They were 15 inches each. I look mrs Grey over and have her blood tested and check her over throughly. I think they missed something. I have someone bring another bassinet. I deliver the smallest baby of the five and her water isn't broken and I break it open and tie her cord and cut it. I clean her up and she wiggles in my hands and a wrap is handed to me and the nurse takes her to the NICU as she cries and reaches for the nurse like she knows her. My patients eyes open and she calls out for Christina Grace Grey and we place that name on her bassinet as she's taken to the NICU and mrs Grey is no longer awake. Hopefully she's not unconscious. All were small babies. Five babies I think the little girl was the cloudiness that was hiding all her brothers. It fits, because she was laying from side to side when I discovered her still inside her mommy. This will be written up in medical books.

I check on the babies and then I see one baby already named Christina Grace Grey, the others are Grey A,b,c and d. I saw four boys, but no girl being born. They mast have made a mistake. I ask and they tell me it is no mistake and the girl was still waiting to be born. Five children four boys and their younger sister. We need four boys names and four more nurseries and more staff. Anastasia can't breast feed all these babies. Security is tight around the NICU now. They watch our babies like hawks. There are only four other babies in the NICU and there family members are feeding the babies now. The nurses caring for my children tell me the babies are tiny but they seem healthy enough. The doctor is going to see them soon. I see Elliott, Mia, and Kate arrive to check out the new arrivals. I tell them we had five babies four boys and a girl who waited to appear after we got to the hospital. Ray and Robert arrive and he has a young woman with him that dated a man I did business with and he was an older man. Felicity is her name, then I recall the events of that night. I excuse myself to check on Anastasia. I wonder how they know each other. Anastasia is still not awake and they are keeping an eye on her. Her vitals look okay, mom is watching her closely as well.

Dr. Turner
I tell Mr Grey that his wife was awake enough to name her daughter after I delivered his daughter. I look over mrs Grey and order some more testing. Luckily her eyes open up and she asks where Christina is at? I ask her if she knows she had four boys and one daughter. She has no idea she had more babies than her daughter.

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