Rise In Aids Testing

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I am saddened at the number of young boys and men that have came forward to be tested for aids and have told me they were victims of the Lincoln's. We set aside monies to pay for these tests and soon we are able to tell them that the Lincoln's were infected in prison. We treat the victims anyway and get them therapy again free. An anonymous donor came forward to pay for all treatments and therapies. Even their families were treated and it is being paid for. Carrick handled the transition of all bills and payments because he handles the trust that is covering everything. He can't tell me who it is. Ray has been talking to him privately and he can't tell me why.

Penelope set up the trust but had me handle the money that went into it each week to pay for all the treatments for the victims. Grace is very suspicious but can't ask and Carrick can't discuss it with her. Penelope puts me in some hard situations. So many secrets and lies that I am getting a headache. What will happen when Anastasia has her baby? She won't be able to stay away from her grandchild. Robert was able to claim his inheritance of the Lincoln's and he decided to take it and do good for some of the people he met. He finally met a pleasant young lady named Felicity Allen, they are friends right now. They are both recovering sex addicts so they want to go slow. I am surprised they are trying to work towards a relationship with them both having the same addictions. She is wealthy and has a great job. Robert is training for a good position.

Felicity Allen
Robert is definitely doing well in his recovery and the rest of the things he suffered from. We met in group therapy at the psychiatric hospital. So many things we had talked about and a few we still needed closure for, but others we didn't. Women tried to say he was the father of their children, but he finally got a court order for DNA testing and he isn't a father. I was lucky I didn't get pregnant, mostly because I dated guys who had vasectomies and wore condoms to protect us from STDs, of course they were twice my age. I have to say they were very generous in their gifts to me. Three homes, six cars and jewelry and clothing. They paid for anything and everything and we went on a lot of trips. They knew my parents and my parents knew nothing about my sexual addictions. The men loved that I would have sex with them anywhere at any time. Glass elevators and swimming pools, of course we were never disturbed because we locked the doors and stopped the elevators. We found a public pool at two am and enjoyed it for a long time. The men's security got us in and out before the cops arrived. At large events we found places to sit and eat more than food. We left a huge tip for the wait staff and bagged up the condoms to be thrown away. The napkins came in handy for kneeling under the table for both of us. A few times we found ourselves opening our winter coats with nothing on underneath and enjoying sex in the snowstorms. We were pretty heated up and it was fast and hard. We went back to our hotel room and warmed each other up and it was great. I miss those times and I dream of each encounter.

It is hard not to think about how adventurous Felicity is compared to me. At times I would like her to let me enjoy feasting on her under a table. That sounded interesting and tasty. I wonder what else she has done. She said she thought of having sex during skydiving and her partner didn't want to do it after going out of the plane. Apparently a couple tried it and ended up in the ER. So not going to try that.
I think of everything I have done and it doesn't come close to her adventures and she says that is the tip of the iceberg. She told me she and a date rented a limo and asked the driver if he saw Blind Date with Bruce Willis in it and his coworker was being given oral sex while he was standing up through the sunroof and they got him to allow them to do that, but each of them. He got a great tip and they needed to assure they wouldn't be injured during the ride. It took some patience but it was fun but dangerous as well. That was one hell of a video she showed me. She works out every muscle and does a lot of core exercises to strengthen her internal muscles for better sexual positions and orgasms. She has various books on how to get the best sex ever. Some I have never seen before. I would love to have sex with her, I think it might kill me.

I think I scared Robert off about my sexual adventures, I would love to have a night with him. But we agreed to be platonic friends and so far we have had some very interesting talks about our sexual adventures. We actually did research of course millions of porn sites come up and we don't need to see it on line. Lots of dvds are around to check out. I have my own collection with me as the star. They are locked up in a safe hidden in my place where only I know where they are. I showed Robert a few of them and he definitely needed a cold shower and had to leave for home. I offered to help him out.

A/N Type in safari search for it, a real couple tried to have sex for real during skydiving.

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