A Sudden Bump

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I feel a bump rise after another prisoner ran into me and I felt a needle like pain and I feel dizzy. I can't explain why but I can't breathe now. I watch as the guards are trying to understand what is going on. I am unable to open my eyes and I hear poison and then I am gone. I feel scorching heat and flames around me and I see the flames coming from everywhere and there are the Lincoln's the ones who helped me escape Seattle and I screwed them all. They were pedophiles and then I see the guy I paid to rape my sister and destroy her. Where am I? I keep sliding deeper into flames. This has to be a nightmare.

I got a call about my mother being killed by some kind of poison. I tell the cops that I don't want anything to do with her or her body to bury her. I thought she would end up dead from doing bad things to others and she apparently has. I feel relief that she can't hurt Mia any longer. I was wrong and she hurt her from the grave. Dad was the one who put an end to it before it arrived along with the containers from France. Apparently mom had her body cremated and a huge photo taken of her with her ashes used for the painting. Dad somehow stopped it. I thanked him and let him deal with that and the containers from France. Customs stopped the containers and sent them back to moms address. I think dad had something to do with that. He should have stopped mom from everything she did. But apparently there is no stopping her even in her death. We won't know everything she has done or had done to eliminate people she sees as a threat to her so called happy existence. I just need to protect Mia and our children from her in the future and that painting was my mother's attempt to hurt Mia again somehow. I have a lot of help protecting Mia and I am so glad I married into this family and escaped my mom. But I had no idea of all her bad deeds. They are all floating to the surface.

Our boys are walking and we finally are free of Lara and her shadows of bad deeds. It turns out that the rest of Jeans family were frightened of his mother. They were bullied into coming to our wedding. We were told so much after they knew for sure Lara was dead. His dad found out even more and then we found out things from Kate and her mother. I found out about more things that Lara tried to do to me. I can't believe how she acted one way in front of people and another when we were alone. I was so caught in the wedding that I failed to notice things. Christian decided to not spoil my wedding and tell me the sapphire pin had curare on it and the jeweler who touched it got I'll and they discovered it was on the sharp point that Lara pushed into my skin causing me to bleed. Then the cyanide was discovered in the plant I emptied the champagne she gave me to drink. Oh they kept her from giving me anything after that.

We are glad Mia is safe from Lara. All the rest of Jeans family told him all kinds of horror stories about his mother. Then Enid told us even more. No one knows who was behind poisoning her, but it worked quickly and cleanly. Mia has became the best mother and Jean is a devoted husband and father. Ava is awaiting her baby brother and Christian decided to get a vasectomy after Anastasia gave birth to twin daughters three months ago. Phoebe Lynn and Katie Marie Grey were born two minutes apart on Christmas Day. They said seven children were plenty. Anastasia is selling her photos, sketches and now paintings. Ray married Penelope Warren in a civil ceremony and Anastasia is very close to her. Apparently Ray and Penelope have known each since before Anastasia was even thought about.

I am so very glad we decided to go for me getting a vasectomy because our twin girls were a surprise for us. Christina is thrilled but she thought she would have instant playmates. She will eventually, but her brothers will have to do for now. Anastasia tries to get Ava over here, but we generally go get Ava and they play together. Ava is all girl and Christina is attempting to try the girly things, but her brothers kind of overwhelm her with being all boy. They love their sissy, but they like playing rough and she is too tiny to play rough with them at this point. All can be mischievous but they know to be good to each other. Our new daughters are always happy and we got lucky with all seven children. Elliott can't wait for his son to arrive. Kate is on bed rest and Ava visits us and mom a lot. Mia is trying to get pregnant and has to take certain precautions to get there. Jean has hired more chefs and opened more restaurants. Lara left him three billion dollars and that was how she was able to be on the loose in France she paid people off. She paid someone to help her escape Seattle before Ethan was born.

All the fathers are here to discuss various things we discovered, Jean David, Eamon, Raymond and I have found things out and we laid to rest a few false allegations against others who had no idea what Lara was talking about. Lara dialed Enid pretending to hire a hit woman to lead Kate astray from what she was really up to. She used the time to push the sapphire pin into Mia thinking would kill her and she pulled it out and when it didn't work she had to let Mia wear the pin anyway. The rest of Jeans family were and are good people who love their families and have tried to stay away from Lara. She forced the wedding issue for another reason, she used them as a cover to assure she was able to get into the US and Seattle. It worked too well.

Kate finally was released to come over to celebrate her wedding anniversary and her Elliott jr. He was such a big boy and at two months old he eats like his dad. Elliott was talking to Christian about bird watching and was joking around about seeing Anastasia for the first time that day. Bird watching was code word for checking out the park for hot females. Even with bad vision she defended herself against Elliott. I recall him being wounded and he still has that scar. After that Anastasia met Kate when she was taking her possessions out in a cart and Anastasia walked into her and her cart. It is amazing how things work out. Mia met the Louie's during a trip to France and her wonderful husband followed her back to Seattle and eventually they got their dream come true. I watch all my 11 grandchildren and Mia just told us she is pregnant finally.

I married Stephanie and we have a baby boy. We met during a Steele family get together and her then boyfriend got hurt and had to be taken to the ER. She had no way home, so I offered to drive her home. We continued talking as friends and my cousin Steven fell for his nurse and married her. That turned the tables on our friendship six months later we were pregnant and married. We did a civil ceremony. Both of us have great jobs that we love and we can do at home.

We were very open with each other and Robert and I were relieved when Stephen married his nurse. We started dating and soon we were living in his home and we got pregnant and married. Robert jr is a sweetheart. We visit his father often.

The end hope you enjoyed the story

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