An Unwanted Guest

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I finally found Anastasia and I got in through the gate and then the side window. I hid behind an incoming car. So I am in the house and I am watching her and she hasn't looked my way yet, suddenly I turn my head towards the door and before I knew it everything went black.

Mom you still wear that horrible perfume Stephen Morton likes so much. The cops will be here any minute. You really didn't think that I knew you would come after me? You just want the money I got in the settlement because of my injuries due to their lack of response to my 911 call. Stephen hopefully rots in jail. Now I suggest that you leave or face jail time yourself. Your head should be fine soon.

You wouldn't call the police on your mother would you?

They are automatically dialed when the silent alarms go off. They are on their way.

I rush inside the house and see Carla with blood on her head and an iron skillet in Anastasia's hands. Carla is sitting on the floor too close for comfort to Anastasia for my taste. The cops are allowed in by the security staff and I point to Carla saying she broke into our home and my daughter defended herself from her. She doesn't live here and there's a restraining order against her being in the same city as my daughter. I pull it from a desk drawer and the cops take Carla outside and read her her tights and handcuffs her. We need to go to the police department and file charges against her. She will be spending time be in jail and then have to leave the city or go back to jail. I get the iron skillet washed off and ask Ana if she is okay?

I was scared that she wasn't alone is all. They arrested the guy who drove her here according to the police. Well I want to know who drove her here? Dad told me we will see once we arrive at the police station to file charges. Just then our phone rings and dad grabs it because we are waiting to hear from the surgeon to operate on my eyes. It's him and they need me to arrive immediately if I haven't ate breakfast or a meal in the last twelve hours. I haven't and we head there, my dad  grabs my hospital suitcase and we tell the police we have to head to the hospital to have my eyes operated on. They have me and dad sign papers saying we intend on pressing charges. Dad gets Carrick Grey on the phone and asks him to represent us against mom and her male friend. He will make sure the charges are filed in our names. He won my settlement for me and dad was awarded a settlement as well, since he has to be my caretaker. Carrick was excellent and won everything we asked for.

Carrick got everything processed and Carla and her friend Jack Hyde are behind bars now. Jack Hyde was wanted for drugging and raping his secretaries at the last job he had. Finally one of them came forward after becoming pregnant by him. Who knows what he was going to do to Anastasia knowing Carla and her allowing her husband free reign over Anastasia anytime he wanted. The surgeon was happy and he told us they found both corneas from the same donor along with everything else and were the top of the donor list. So they got Anastasia all prepped and in ten minutes she was drugged ready and taken to the operating room.

Dr. Samuel Lewis
I am so glad that this came up this quickly a year is a short time, but the healing process is as much as we expected from how her attacker had assured she couldn't see him, but she could hear and smell him and she clawed him to the point he had scars everywhere. His DNA was under her nails and all over her body. It was a slam dunk when the jury came back with guilty on all charges and got the maximum sentences for everything he was charged with. The mother was charged as well but she slathered away with probation. We roll her in and the eyes are ready and waiting along the musculature. It has been prepped and Miss Steele is prepped and ready. Ten hours later we finish the surgery and everything finally went smoothly. A few things happened when we gave her the drugs to keep her under, she had a severe reaction and had to have it counteracted and her heart stopped completely. We worked fast and got everything back to normal and changed her medication and she had no other events.

The doctors told me that Anastasia had a bad reaction to the drugs to keep her under. Her heart stopped, but they got it started again and they used something else. The operation went smoothly after that. They have the monitors on her just in case. Carrick arrives and hands me the documents regarding us pressing charges against Carla and Jack. He used our power of attorney to get it comp,teed and the judge accepted it, since Anastasia was in surgery. The case we won was in the news often so people knew the situation with Anastasia and her eyes.

I decided to check in on Anastasia and she is still asleep. Security is tight around her and I see Ray telling one of the security that no one is allowed in the room with Anastasia without clearing it with him and verifying they work on the floor and can show proof. Ray looks upset and he tells me that Carla sent someone to try to kill Anastasia while she was unconscious. The guy and girl are behind bars now. They didn't expect Ray to be asleep behind the curtain. Luckily he is a light sleeper and heard the door openly sl slowly that it caught his attention. The staff usually walks right in and turns the lights on.

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