A key to the past

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The cries of a bird..

The sound of flapping wings...

Fire and smoke...


and then theres only darkness, a cry for help.. then theres a tiny flicker of light, a mans voice... and a blurred image of a raven.

The scream.. came from my own throat, the fire.... was from my childhood home, the day the king started his purge of what he called ''rogue'' magicians. I only remember small parts.. just a small bit of my memories.. the rest is locked away, sealed in my own mind. I have to remember to keep moving, but i cant do it on my own... but the key to those memories... the key to the rest of my past, are staring me in the face:

The order of the raven.


Silence has fallen over the hall... the council which supposedly sat on all of the information i needed to move on. I look up, and take a deep breath.

'' The block in my mind... who put it there?'' I ask as calm as i can. The men at the podium keeps silent, but their eyes keep moving to Braydor as if asking permission. I move my gaze to him, and he only nods once. I take a step back, this silent answer just gave me even more questions. '' Why? What is your role in my past?'' I ask him, and tense up as if my body itself dreads the answer. Braydor looks at me with a sad gaze. '' There is so much to say... so much your parents where supposted to learn you when you got older... but they never got the chance'' He sighs, and steps down from the podium.

'' I guess i'll better start from the top..'' he says, and take a step towards me. '' The Castra family... where one of the founders of this order.. your ancestors created this order to keep watch over the country when everything else failed'' he continues and points at me. I look at him confused.. '' My family founded all of this?'' i ask and gesticulate to our surroundings. Braydor smiles and nods. '' The order of the raven, has always been guarding the kingdom from the shadows, we keep watch.. and only interfere when we have to. We are the guardians of knowledge, and the keepers of the raven scrolls.. and we have always been watching over you and your family''

''But why did you block some of my memories... what are you hiding from me? I remember close to nothing from that day! And i need to know what happend!'' I shout at him. I look down and try to calm myself. '' I.. i want to know exactly what happened, how my father died..'' i whisper. I feel Ferric put his arms on my shoulders to try to comfort me, but i barely register him. Braydor takes another step towards me. '' You need to understand.. that none of it was your fault! Your parents knew perfectly well the risks they were taking when your father took over as leader of the order! But he stepped down when he found out that your mother was pregnant with you... he wanted to keep you safe! And when he died.. he made me promise to keep watch over you''

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