No escape

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I was defeated. I wasnt dead, but i had lost. The blackness around me was in one way calming, but at the same time it terrified me. I couldnt remember anything after being knocked out by the black fog, but one image still haunted me: Alex... giving up his freedom to save me.. then... nothing. Suddently i realised something:

Where am i? 

I tried to move, i wasnt lying on the ground... weird.. I tried to move my arms, but something was holding me back. Something wasnt right... i felt weightless, like i was floating inside some sort of bubble. Weird... I opened my eyes again, but the only thing i saw was blackness. I tried to look around, but i wasnt able to see anything, i could sense that i was in some sort of room but there was no light. I closed my eyes again and tried to focus. I gathered energy and tried to send it out, but as i thought... they had sealed of my magical abilities. I was still able to gather the enrergy, but i couldnt release it. It felt like they had set up some kind of barrier around me. I struggled to get my hand free, from whatever was holding it. And after some minutes with cursing i was finally able to break it free. I just hoped whoever put the barrier up hadnt put up some kind of trigger to warn them. 

Carefully i reached out before me, and felt my hand hit some kind of wall. I mumbled for myself, and grabbed my other arm and got it free. Now i could move, but i was still captured... i could not use magic, i could not get out and i had no light. I... was... stuck. 

I sighed and jumped to check my little cell's flexibility. It shock a little, but nothing more. I sighed and felt my stomach growl. '' It doesnt seem like im going to get out of here for the moment...'' i whispered and sat down. I crossed my legs and closed my eyes. I started to breath calmly, and felt myself go into my normal meditative state. When i was little, my parents always used to tell me how meditation helped a magician to keep going without needing food our water for days. I smiled weakly at the memory. I was a totally different person at that time, so much had changed... Now i was here.. captured.. by the mad king my family once trusted. The man who gave the order... the order to kill my family. I clenched my fists. I promised myself, there and then... that if i ever got the chance, i would make him pay for what he did. Quickly i shaked the thought away and tried to keep track on my thoughts. I needed to stay calm, if i was to survive this. 

Days... hours.. a month...a year? Time didnt seem to matter, there was no way i could know how long i had been in there. But one thing i knew for sure. I was not giving up. If i was going to die in this place, i were going down with my head held high.

I kept meditating, focusing only on my breath and on my own thoughts, reviewing the incidents of the last days. I kept going backwards in my own tracks, trying to figure out where it had all gone wrong. I knew it of course, but it was the only way i could keep myself from going insane. They had to come for me, sooner or later. I really hoped on soon because i was losing energy. My prison was drawing on my powers. I hadnt noticed at first, but then i started feeling more and more exhausted.. which was weird since my meditative state was supposted to help me gather more energy. But now it was the only thing that kept me alive. 

I had to move... had to escape. But how? No matter how many times i looked at it i didnt see any way out. It felt hopeless. But giving up was not an option. 

I stood up. Tried to move. My muscles were sore after sitting in the same position. I tried to stretch but my space was limited. I was frustrated, and tired. I had no idea when or if i would ever get out of here, i saw no solution. I screamed in frustration, clenched my fist and hit the barrier surrounding me with all the power i had left. '' You are not going to break me'' i whispered, and looked up with a smile as a door opened in the blackness. I blinked a couple of times, there was somebody standing in the doorway. 

'' So the beat- up magician comes to see if the little girl is still alive? Didnt know you cared that much Feric'' i said as i recognized the man standing in the doorway. Feric snorted, and mumbled something for himself. '' I am not here for your sake, Eirim... the king has ordered me, to bring you out of your isolated cell'' he said and pointed at me. Suddently my prison cell started to move. I closed my eyes for a moment as we exited the dark room. '' Where are you taking me?'' i asked as we continued down a narrow corridor. '' Im bringing you to the king, he wants to hear your story before he decides your fate'' i shaked my head. '' Why would the king wish to hear my story? He hates me?'' i shouted back. Feric stopped and turned around to face me. '' You really dont know how mighty friends you really have... it is thanks to the prince that you are still alive!''

My smile weakened. '' Alex...'' i whispered. For one moment i had almost forgotten about him.. the mysterious boy... the long lost prince. The boy who gave up his freedom for me.. had saved me once again. But to what? What will happend to me now?

Feric turned around again and started walking. I tried to focus on where we were. But i was to dizzy from the continuing loss of energy. But i knew that we were high up in one of the main towers, and moving down. Suddently Feric stopped and turned, we went into another room where my prison cell finally let go of me. I tried to stand up, but was held down by five black knights coming out of nowhere. I tried to struggle but i was almost drained of energy. 

The black knights obviously started to get annoyed. One of them pulled of his glove and put it on my shoulder. Immediately i started to feel dizzy. '' No...'' i said as the blackness started to come back. 

'' Stop!'' a voice shouted. The black knight lifted his hand and looked up. '' The girl is not to be harmed!'' The voice sounded angry, i looked up and felt my heart beat twice as fast. '' Alex..'' i whispered as he came walking towards us. He looked so different. His hair was as messy as always, but his cloths on the other hand. He looked like a real prince. He sat down in front of me, and studied my face. '' Eirim... im so sorry'' he whispered. I smiled and felt myself collapse. But he catched me in his arms. The black knights took a step forward, but Alex waved a hand at them. '' Leave us'' he said firmly. At once the black knights dissapeared back to the shadows and we were alone. 

'' I am so sorry... i didnt know they would do this! Please... dont hate me'' he whispered. I shaked my head. '' How can i hate you? I hate myself more, for letting you sacrifice your freedom for me'' i whispered and sat up. He looked at me with concern in his eyes. '' You couldnt have stopped me if you could... i would have done it no matter what'' he answered and grabbed my hand. I looked up into his eyes. '' But why? Im just a stranger...'' i whispered and pulled my hand away and tried to stand up. But i was still not fine.. my legs collapsed underneath me. I braced myself for the floor, but Alex catched me. He stroked me over my hair and smiled weakly. 

'' Because i feel like i have known you forever... because you are you... because i like you? Do i need anymore reasons? You are amazing, and you are worth it'' he whispered and kissed me briefly. I looked at him and felt my eyes fill with tears. '' There really is no escape this time... is it?'' i whispered. He sighed and turned around towards what i now realised was the throne. A door was opening at the wall behind the big golden throne, and the king himself came out. 

'' No... theres no escape'' 


THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT! Im of to the city later this evening, to the midnight premiere of CATCHING FIRE! SO.... lets hope its as good as people say! 

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