Nothing is impossible

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I shudder as i realise what is standing before me. The scaly skin, the green reptile eyes, the claws and the tail swishing behind it. This is neither man, nor monster. 


The monster draws closer. I have to come up with a strategy, and quick. I go into a defensive position and let a fire ball spring to life in my outstretched hand. The lizard man stops when it is just outside my range and looks at me. Then suddently its head twitches and its eyes turn white. I take a step back. And look around in the darkness around me.

Somebody is controlling it.

I scan the courtyard for movement, but i make sure i always have an eye on the creature.

There! A flash of metal as a shadow dissociate themselves from the rest.

I got you now! i think as i turn around and make ready to run for it. But i know i wont get far. Before i can even start moving towards the ''puppet master'' the creature growls and jumps over my head, and land a couple of meters in front of me. I growl annoyed as i study my enemy: Half lizard, half man. This was no normal creature simply created by evolusion. This was just another victim, taken over by a magician, working for the kings brother. And thats when i realise that i can not attack this creature...

I have to help it.

The ''puppet master'' was staring at me now. I could feel his gaze burning through my neck. The lizard man growls and jumps toward me with its claws outstretched. It tries to hit me, but i dodge its attacks, barely... The creature roares with annoyance and tries again. And its quick.

To quick.

I know already before it reaches me, that i wont be able to dodge it completely. And i was right. The creature learns from its mistakes. It tries to hit me with its left arm, and waits with the second attack unntil its sure i cant manage to dodge.

I feel a sharp pain in my left side as the monsters claws tears through both cloth and skin. I yell as the monster draws closer and hurl a fire ball in its face. The monster screams from pain, and the attacks stop. I drag myself a couple of meters away, before i try to stand up. 

Its weakness.... just like any reptile... its light! Pure light. 

I smile weakly. The wound in my side weakens me. But i know how to keep it at bay now. 

Fire. But thats just one part of the solution. I still had to figure out a way to free this man. The reptiles eyes meets mine for a moment, and i see the suffering behind them. I hear its silenced voice inside my head. 

Free me. 

'' I will...'' i whisper. '' But i dont know how'' just as i finish my sentence i hear yelling far over the courtyard. 

'' Eirim!'' i hear a familiar voice shouting. I look up and meet the sparkling eyes of Alex. He looks at me desperatley. A hand suddently shots out of the darkness behind him, and he is hauled out of sight. I hear him struggling, and then he obviously breaks free. I hear a shot of pain, the sound of metal against metal and then he's there again. 

'' Use your magic Eirim! Free it!'' he shouts at me and points at the lizard man. I hear someone shouting orders behind him, something must have gone wrong at the meeting. A thought flashes through my head, a thought i really dont want to dwell with pops into my head: Treason? 

Alex looks over his shoulder and curses. He dissapears from sight again, but know i can clearly hear the sounds of battle. I look back at the lizard man. Use my magic? But how? 

But then i realise it. I have done this before. I try to remember, but the memory is fuzzy. I give up after a few minutes and close my eyes. I raise my arms and let several fire balls spring to life before me. The lizard man stop in its tracks. It is like its hypnotized by the light. I smile weakly and focus on the monster itself. 

And i start singing. 

 I dont know where the words come from but i can clearly feel the magic pouring through. As i keep singing, a fog start gathering around the lizard mans feet. I watch as it grows thicker and thicker, hiding us from the outside world, hiding us from the people who made this beast. I keep focusing on the task before me, and watch as the creatures figure shrunks into human size. I squint as i try to see through the fog that eventually starts lifting.

There is something familiar about the figure before me. 

As i let my song die out, some features of the figure starts to stand out. 

And the truth hits me. 

The yellow hair, the startling blue eyes... 

'' Armin...'' i whisper. It really was him. His blue, tired eyes meet mine, and he smile weakly. He is terribly thin.. thinner than i have ever seen him. I shake my head, and close my eyes. This explains so much. 

As i watch, still in shock he falls to the ground. I snap out of it and run to his side, just as the outside world comes back into focus. 

'' Armin! Armin, wake up!'' I shout at him as i kneel before him. He is unconsious, but he's breathing. I hold a hand over him and focus. I can feel him struggling in his thoughts, he's fighting a fight of his own. A fight i cant help him win. I pat his head absently... '' Dont give up now Armin... win!'' i whisper and rise. 

'' So you cracked the secret then...'' A voice shouts over me. I turn my eyes up, and meet the gleaming eyes of lord Kastor. And beside him... i feel my hopes drop as i see the guard holding Alex down. His eyes meet mine, and we come to a silent agreement: 

This is not the end. 

'' Surrender now, little rouge! The battle is lost, this round goes to me'' Kastor shouts down at me. I shake my head and smile bitterly. 

'' You havent won anything, Kastor! You may have the throne, but the people will never accept you! The people will never stand behind you... You are the one who will, in the end lose'' I shout back. I let my magic flow around me, creating a massive whirlwind around my feet. And as i let it carry me into the air, i make sure to get Armins body with me. 

I continue to rise, until im at the same level as the balcony where Kastor stands. I eye my opponent, and let out a small laugh. 

Kastor looks at me uncomprehending. '' You will not escape, i hope you know that.'' He says calmly. 

I snort and just shake my head. '' You are talking for deaf ears.. this is what im known for!'' I shout and gesture to my surroundings. Kastor looks at me, puzzled. I smile. 

'' I never give up!'' I say, and let several fire balls spring to life around me. I send them out towards the end of the courtyard, lighting up the shadows and the hidden threats: Red knights, the lords own guards, all stationed at the top of the wall surrounding the courtyard. I smile weakly at the shocked look in the lords eyes. 

'' Y.. you can not win this, girl! The odds are against you!'' Kastor shouts a little bit desperate. I laugh, and close my eyes for a moment and focus. I let my hands point towards the fireballs i already have placed and spread my fingers, and the bigger fireballs erupt into several minor ones. I hear surprised shouts behind me, and i smile and open my eyes. 

'' You want to bet?'' I ask with a mischievous smile. 

I thought just for a moment that i was done fighting, but i was wrong. The next fight was about to start. And no matter what.. i had to win. Not just for my own future, but for the whole country.

The game was on. It might seem impossible, but after all the years on the run i know for certain that nothing is really impossible. 


Soo... thats it... Its been a while and im sorry, but i got a lot to do right now (studies you know ;) ) 

But anyways i hope that the few that actually reads this, enjoys it :) 

The picture is how i picture Armin! Tell me what you think! 


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