A mysterious saviour

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I cant help it!!! Im in a writing mood today! Please do push the vote button or write a little comment to let me see who liked it :D 


Im still falling, falling through darkness. But wait! I see a light. Someones there, but i dont know who. Im trying to reach for it, the light. I need to drag myself out of this darkness, i have to survive no matter what.

Something wet and cold was touching my lips. '' You have to drink something'' i heard someone say over me. I felt myself tence, but then relax as more of my vision started to return. It was him. The boy. I tried to sit up but he pushed me down again, i looked up surprised. But i wasnt quite able to focus for long. Suddently a sharp pain shot through my back and i had to gasp for air. '' You hurt some of your ribs in the fall'' the boy said, looking down at me. Annoyed of feeling so weak, i sat up quickly before he could protest and felt my hair fall down in my face. My hood had been pulled back. 

'' Who are you?'' i asked the boy carefully. He shook his head, his dark brown curls mimicking his moves. A small smile crossed his lips. '' Isnt it supposted to be me, asking that question?'' he said, leaning closer. I shook my head and got up on my feets, despite the pain. '' I cant...'' i whispered staring at the view through a small window. I heard him stand up behind me, but i dont move at all before i see him walking past me over to the window.

'' It seems like we both have something to hide'' he said with a sigh. I looked at him curiously. '' So.. what should i call you?'' i ask before sluntering over to him. He turns to face me, and his blue eyes capture me again. '' Call me Ranger'' he says with a smile, his hand outreached towards me. I smile weakly, '' perfect name for one trying to hide..'' i think. I clear my throat and take his hand. 

'' I got quite many names.. but the one im most famous under is the violinist'' i say with a crooked smile. He laughs a little before releasing my hand. '' To hard to say! How about i call you Viola for short?'' Ranger asks. I know hes really joking but i cant help but smile at the name. '' Hm.. Viola.. I like it'' i say shaking his hand. Ranger starts laughing, i can see hes not telling me the truth but really.. who am i to talk? I am the one living all thoose different lives, i am the one changing my name all the time not even once using my real name. '' So.. how long was i asleep?'' i ask Ranger. He turns to face me, '' only a day and a half.. its soon sunset, but dont worry the black knights have given up their search for now'' Ranger said shaking his head while he turned again to stare out the window. '' Its more guards than ever out there, but lucky for you.. i know all the secret passages around in the city, i can get you out without anyone knowing'' I shock my head at this. I was not going to run away. Not this time.

'' Whos said anything about getting out of the city? i am here for a reason, im not going to run away'' I say to him, and clence my fists. He look at me puzled, then he just shock his head. '' With that kind of power you showed yesterday you shouldnt play at the street for coins, you could make so much more through a guild'' he said smiling weakly. '' No!'' I scream towards him, '' do not ever say that to me again! The guilds are corrupt, the things they've done in the shadows...'' i have to stop at this point, memories of my discoveries in the royal archive some years back came back. Assasinations, destroying of citys who didnt pay their taxes. It was then i decided. I was never going to be a part of the kings guild. Never.

Ranger looks at me again, his eyes digging for answers in mine, but he just shock his head and looked away. '' How can that be?'' he mumbles, mostly to himself. I look at him curiously, waiting for him to say something more. But he doesnt. I sigh and sit down at the floor again and feel myself relax again. But i cant really do that either. '' I need to get out there again..'' i think and jump up from the floor again. Ranger looks at me with a puzled look. '' What are you planning then.. if your not going out of the city?'' he asks careful. I smile while reaching for my bag standing by the wall. '' Im going to go out there and do what i can best... tell stories with my music'' i say and smile. He smiles back and there and then it is as we have come to a mutual understanding. We both have something to hide, we are both fighting to keep ourselves alive and we both love our music. '' Well.. if your heading out, then so will i'' i look at him curiously, i didnt want his help. But then the memories from last night came back and i realised that i actually needed him. 

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